For more information go to bulletins and Calendar of events
Registration for 2024-2025 Confirmation has started. Gatherings begins September 17, 2024
Youth Confirmation Year 1:
We will have an informational meeting next Tuesday 9/17, 7PM in the Church. Confirmandi and their parents need to attend
The meeting will introduce the Assumption Church Confirmation Process to the parish and answer any questions from those attending
August Brown Bag Outreach
In honor of Mary this month’s outreach will be for Mothers in need by collecting Diapers and Baby Wipes. These baby essentials will be donated locally to Building Futures, George Mark Children's House, and Birthright. All sizes needed!
Children’s Choir Practice August 28
TK thru 8th Grade from our community are invited to join. Practice on Wednesday from 2-2:30pm and they will sing at the 10am Sunday masses.
Family Game Night August 30
Fun begins 6:30pm in the Gym. Join us for our Third Annual Family Game Night at for BBQ and Games for the entire family in the gym as we continue to have fun with our Parish Feast Celebrations. Our CYO Dads vs. Parish Coed Team Basketball Game
Labor Day - September 2
The School and Church Office will be closed Monday in observance of Labor Day. Have a safe and blessed holiday!
ALPHA for Adults – September 4
Ministry Center with Deacon Rico 6:30pm. 10 week session on Wednesdays
Alpha for Adults in Spanish—September 5th
Ministry Center with Deacon Rico 6:30pm. 10 week session on Thursdays
First Friday Devotions - September 6
Be a part of our First Friday Devotions at 5:30pm for Eucharistic Adoration, Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Rosary followed by Mass at 6:30pm.
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick - September 7th and 8th
Every first Saturday and Sunday of the month after all Masses Fr. John administers the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. The Anointing of the Sick is not just a sacrament for those who are at the point of death but also for those suffering from physical, mental, or spiritual sickness.
Children's Liturgy of the Word - September 8
On Sundays at the 10am Family Mass, before the Scripture readings begin, children ages 4-12 are called forward, and sent with a blessing to the rectory for a Gospel lesson. They hear the same Scriptures that are proclaimed at Mass, but explained on a level that younger children can understand. The children return to their family in church after the Creed, as the Offertory and Liturgy of the Eucharist begins. On the back table of our church there is a basket filled with handouts to reinforce the weekly Gospel message in a fun, accessible, and interactive way for our children to participate during mass.
Join us for CYO BBQ on Sunday September 8th
and meet the Team! Join us Sunday September 8th from 11.30 to 1pm to kick off the CYO season with a free BBQ lunch! Meet the CYO team and other CYO families. We'll have hot dogs, burgers, chips, and drinks. RSVP by September 1st. We look forward to meeting you!
CYO Registration ends September 8th
We offer Cross Country for both boys and girls in grades K-8th; Boys Basketball for grades 2nd-8th; and Girls Volleyball for grades 4th-8th. Prior to enrolling please be aware that you need to either live within the parish boundary, attend Faith Formation classes, or attend Assumption School. Sign up on church website
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults September 11
Have you completed your sacraments of initiation? Do you know anyone who is interested in becoming Catholic or completing their sacraments of initiation? Then RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is for you. St. John Paul ii Room 6:30pm
Cursillo Men’s Weekend Men's September 12 – 15th
There is still space available for the Men's Weekend being held at St. Elizabeth Seton, Pleasanton Give yourself the gift of a Cursillo and light your heart on fire! Making a Cursillo is a great way to deepen your relationship with Christ. Got questions - Contact Jennie (510) 875.9170
Please Consider joining our Adult Choir! September 14
If you enjoy singing, please consider joining our ADULT CHOIR with our music director Bill Vaughan. We will rehearse in the church and sing at Saturday evening vigil mass at 4:30pm. We would love to have you! We always are looking for more members to join our Choir.
Dad's Club Golf Fundraiser September 14th -
Redwood Canyon Golf Course
Cursillo Women’s Weekend - Sept. 19-22
Is your heart on fire for Christ? Is it filled with the Holy Spirit or like a candle in the wind, flickering and barely alive? If you want to experience what the disciples felt on the day of Pentecost, then give yourself the gift of a Cursillo and light your heart on fire! . A Cursillo weekend is three days long, and its impact can last a lifetime. Contact Jennie (510) 875.9170 to learn more.
Sacrament Parent Sessions – September 22 Class in small hall for parents at 11:15am Faith Formation Elementary Classes – September 22 Ministry Center at 11:15am
Assumption Youth Social Action Team September 22
11:15am (after 10am Family Mass) Ministry Center
Assumption University for Seniors Fall Semester Starts Sept 25
Join the Assumption University Fun, Fellowship Lunch, and Learn Series. Discover new interests, engage in lively discussions, and form lasting connections! Prepare to expand your horizons, nourish your spirit, and enjoy the delightful company of fellow parishioners who are 55 & Older. Classes will be held in St. John Paul II room in the rectory. 11:30 AM - 2pm
Welcome to Confirmation Preparation
for teens at Assumption! September date to be announced While teens in our community attend various high school, Assumptions Confirmation program provides a place for them to come together and to learn, to share, to build a faith community.
Assumption School “Aloha” Weekend Festival—Sept 27-29
Cub Scouts #556
Scouts is all about encouraging girls and boys to make friends, be helpful to others, and do their very best no matter the outcome. Join us for an introduction to our K - 5th grade family scouting program. Troop 556 will have a booth at Family Fun Day (right next to the new play structure). Come visit and learn more.
Novena for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Continues until August 14 We invite you to join us for nine days of prayer and adoration as we lead up to our Feast Day. We will expose the Blessed Sacrament and pray the Holy Rosary and Novena. Every evening there will be a different group leading the Rosary and people sharing their Reflections. Come and pray with us for the protection of our Church and parish community, and for your own special intentions. Please invite your family and friends, and together as a community, we implore the help of our Blessed Mother and Patroness to lead us closer to Her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
August 6: Cursillo
Reflection by Jacqui Diaz
August 7: Knights of Columbus
Reflection by John Leibee
August 8 : Divina Misericordia
Reflection by Rosa de Lima
August 9: Confirmation
Reflection by Confirmandi & Lizette Rocha
August 10: Legion of Mary
Reflection by Georgina Dwonch
August 11: Parish Staff
Reflection by Martha Zeyen
August 12: Pastoral Parish Council
Reflection by Gloria Calegari
August 13: Assumption School
Reflection by tbd
August 14: Filipino Ministry
Reflection by Fely Iman
Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary
Thursday, August 15 at 6:00pm
We will celebrate our patroness on her Feast Day – the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We invite the entire Assumption Parish and School Community, families, friends ,and neighbors to this beautiful and special Mass at our church.
The Very Reverend Brandon E. Macadaeg will be our main celebrant and homilist. The Golden Gate Boys Choir will grace our worship with their beautiful music and voices! We encourage everyone to wear blue.
There will be no morning mass on this Holy Day of Obligation. Immediately following mass their will be a Hors d'oeuvres and Wine Reception at Mary Seese Plaza. Join us for this wonderfully planned evening.
Knitting and Crochet August 15
Will meet at the rectory from 10-11:30am
Assumption Open Gym for Basketball Friday, August 16
Please join us for open gym this Friday at 7:30pm to play basketball, as we look to form our parish team to face off against the CYO dads during family game night! Open gyms will be weekly up until family game night on August 30. Contact AJ Mercado ([email protected] 875-3674)
Mary Camp August 17
Calling all children ages four and older in celebrating the Assumption of Mary, Mother of Jesus on Saturday rom 9:30am - 12:30pm at the Jean Schroeder Terrace on campus. Come meet new friends and enjoy the fun! There will be arts and crafts stations where the campers will move station to station creating crafts while learning more about Mary. We will enjoy a Mary inspired snack together. Let us play and laugh together as we celebrate our Parish Feast Day. Needed: We need older kids to be our "camp buddies" to our younger campers. Anyone Sixth Grade and up can sign up as a buddy! Register by 8/16 online or call the parish office at 510-352-1537
BACK TO SCHOOL BackPack assembly - August 17 12:30pm The goal is to fill 73 backpacks in honor of our 73 years here in San Leandro with school supplies. Donations are still needed.
Assumption Parish Family Fun Day: Sunday, August 25th 11am - 2pm
Our parish festival is a one of the treasured events that brings the whole community together. We invite parishioners & non-parishioners, Catholics & non-Catholics, our school families and community neighbors to engage and enjoy an outdoor affair our lovely parish / school ground.
Food & Drink:
· Food booths: including a Grill/BBQ, Mexican, and Filipino Cuisine
· Holy Spirit Bake Sale to benefit Assumption Youth Social Action Team.
· Reserved Seating for new TK and Kindergarten Families
· 21+ drinks available (beer/wine)
Outdoor Family Games & Music:
Old-fashioned family fun games. Try your best to win out against your fellow community members in games such as the popular three legged race, egg on a spoon, scavenger hunt and much more
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for New School Play Ground
All food, drinks and raffle tickets to be purchased with "Assumption Bucks." Buy your "Assumption Bucks” by 8/20 and receive dessert for your family. Volunteers are needed.
August Brown Bag Outreach
In honor of Mary this month’s outreach will be for Mothers in need by collecting Diapers and Baby Wipes. These baby essentials will be donated locally to Building Futures, George Mark Children's House, and Birthright. All sizes needed!
Family Game Night August 30—Fun begins 6:30pm
Holy Week & Tridium
Palm Sunday, March 24
Masses at 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm
Holy Monday, March 25
8:30am Mass
6:00pm Reconciliation
6:30pm Stations of the Cross
Holy Tuesday, March 26
8:30am Mass
6:00pm Reconciliation
6:30pm Stations of the Cross
Holy Wednesday, March 27
8:30am Mass
6:00pm Reconciliation
6:30pm Stations of the Cross
Holy Thursday, March 28
8:30am Morning Prayer
11:00am Stations of the Cross
6:30pm Mass of the Last Supper
8:00pm Procession to the Altar of Repose
& Adoration
11:30pm Night Prayer
Good Friday, March 29
8:30am Morning Prayer
12:00pm Stations of the Cross
3:00pm Divine Mercy Novena (Day 1)
4:30pm Lord’s Passion & Veneration of the Cross
6:30pm Lord’s Passion & Veneration of the Cross
Easter Vigil, March 30
8:30am Morning Prayer
3:00pm Divine Mercy Novena (Day 2)
7:30 pm Easter Vigil Mass
Easter Sunday, March 31
Masses at 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm
Easter Egg hunt 11:00am
Divine Mercy Novena (Day 3)
Assumption Church Lenten Retreat 2024: A Journey Through the Stations of the Cross March 22 & 23
March 22 - Friday Evening
6:00pm Lenten Soup Dinner in Ministry Center
7:00pm Stations of the Cross
7:30pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Adoration
Session 1
The Fourth Station: Jesus Meets His Afflicted Mother
The Fifth Station: Simon Helps Jesus Carry the Cross
8:00pm Individual Confessions (1 hour)
11:45pm Benediction & Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament
March 23 - Saturday Morning
7:30am Holy Hour
9:00am Session 2
The Sixth Station: Veronica Offers Her Veil to Jesus
The Ninth Station: Jesus Falls the Third Time
10:00am Break
The Twelfth Station: Jesus Dies Upon the Cross
The Thirteenth Station: Jesus Is Taken Down from the Cross
12:00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet Benediction & Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament
4:30pm Palm Sunday Vigil Mass
Eat, Pray and Give takes place every Friday during this 40-day season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Friday evenings at Assumption will begin with the Stations of the Cross followed by a simple soup dinner.
6:30pm: Stations of the Cross – In Church, the scheduled ministry team of the week leads the Stations of the Cross. The ministry will hand out a special Stations of the Cross handout for everyone participating.
7:00pm-7:30pm: Soup – A non-meat soup and bread is prepared by the scheduled ministry of the week to be served in the Ministry Center.
Donations collected during each Friday’s Eat, Pray and Give will be sent to a particular charity, decided by the weekly scheduled ministry.
Prayer, from the heart; fasting from those things that interfere in strengthening a relationship with God; and almsgiving with compassion for those in need will make the Lenten journey a fruitful period of renewal. All are welcome!
Friday, February 23 -Eat, Pray and Give Confirmation and Assumption Youth Social Action Team (AYSAT) Sponsored Charity of the week: San Leandro Community Food Bank
Friday March 1 -Eat, Pray and Give Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) and Dad's Club Charity of the week: tbd
Friday March 8 -Eat, Pray and Give School and Children’s Choir Charity of the week: tbd
Friday March 15 -Eat, Pray and Give Cursillo and Knights of Columbus Sponsored Charity of the week: tbd
Friday March 22 -Eat, Pray and Give Our Lady of Guadalupe Ministry, Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors Charity of the week: tbd
Save the Date for Our Lenten Retreat March 23
The Structure of the Mass, its Elements and its Parts
In a letter to the priests in the Diocese of Oakland, Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ, wrote:
The General Instruction for the Roman Missal for the United States, No 43, states that “In the dioceses of the United States of America, they should kneel beginning after the singing or recitation of the Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy) until after the Amen of the Eucharistic Prayer, except when prevented on occasion by ill health, or for reasons of lack of space, of the large number of people present, or for another reasonable cause The faithful kneel after the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) unless the Diocesan Bishop determines otherwise.”
I understand it had been the policy in our diocese set by a previous bishop to remain standing following the Lamb of God. However, I see no valid reason for us to diverge from the common practice of the Church in the United States.
Therefore, I ask that in our diocese we join the rest of the faithful in our country in kneeling after the Lamb of God in order to prepare ourselves reverently for reception of Holy Communion. Following reception of Holy Communion, each person may stand, sit or kneel as they choose, until the priest asks everyone to stand for the Prayer After Communion.
Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ
(January 5, 2024)
As per Bishop Barber’s directive, here at Assumption, we will implement this beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 14.
CYO Sponsored 10am Mass January 14
The Catholic Youth Organization, through the vehicle of sports, provides youth with an opportunity to practice Christian attitudes and responsibilities and to become friends with other children throughout the diocese. CYO activities should be examples of the meaning of Christian sportsmanship.
FAITH FORMATION Elementary - Fifth Grade January 14
at 11:15am in the Ministry Center Our programs combine religious education, participation in weekly liturgies, faith families, & preparation for sacraments.
Parent Sessions - January 14
11:15am in the small hall These classes are for parents whose children will be receiving their sacraments this spring.
Children's Liturgy of the Word - January 14
On Sundays at the 10am Family Mass, (except for holidays) before the Scripture readings begin, children ages 4-12 are called forward, and sent with a blessing to the rectory for a Gospel lesson. They hear the same Scriptures that are proclaimed at Mass, but explained on a level that younger children can understand. The children return to their family in church after the Creed, as the Offertory and Liturgy of the Eucharist begins.
Assumption Youth Social Action Team - January 14
at 11:15 following 10:00am Family Mass Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults - January 16 RCIA session in the Rectory in Saint John Paul ii Room at 7: 00pm
Knights of Columbus Council 8217 — January 17
Meeting will be held in the rectory at 7:00pm. All men are welcome to come.
Parish Pastoral Council January 18
Meeting will be held in the rectory at 6:30pm
Confirmation Preparation January 21
at 11:00am in the small hall While teens in our community attend various high school, Assumption's Confirmation program provides a place for them to come together and to learn, to share, and to build a faith community.
Join the Assumption University Fun, Fellowship Lunch, and Learn Series. Enjoy the delightful company of fellow parishioners who are 55 & Older. No need to RSVP.
Knitting/Crochet Ministry Thursday, January 25
10am-11:30am Come and spend an hour and a half with women in our parish who are sharing their time and talent creating and gifting, colorful warm and comforting hats, scarves, lap blankets, car seat blankets to women, men, young adults and children (all ages). You are all welcomed and we look forward to meeting you. We donate to the Charlotte Maxwell Cancer Clinic in Oakland, Birthright in San Lorenzo, Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center in Hayward, St. Vincent de Paul, and our Unhoused Neighbors in the area.
Assumption School Open House January 28th
10:00am Parish Mass followed by Open House from 11:30am– 2:00pm
As the Season of Christmas draws near, let us now prepare ourselves spiritually for our upcoming traditional and liturgical festivities. We would like to invite you, your family, your friends, your neighbors, and out of town guests to celebrate the birth of Jesus with us this Christmas. Here is the Schedule of Masses for this year's Christmas celebrations.
The 12 days of Christmas begin on Christmas Day and end the day before Epiphany. It likely took the Three Kings, or “Magi,” twelve days to journey to baby Jesus.
SUNDAY MASSES 8:00AM, 10:00AM, AND 12:00PM
MASSES 8:00AM, 10:00AM, AND 12:00PM
SIMBANG GABI December 15-23
Join us and our Filipino Community in celebrating nine day Novena Masses as we prepare ourselves and our Church for Christmas - which starts tomorrow evening December 15 and continues thru December 23 at 6:30pm every night. During mass, the Filipino Choir will fill the church with Filipino Christmas songs and carols. After every Mass, the faithful gather for food and fellowship at the rectory.
Sunday, December 17:
Breakfast with Santa 8am-12pm in the gym. Come and have photos with Santa Claus, eat a delicious pancake breakfast, hot chocolate bar, crafts for children and mimosas for adults. Children & Seniors $10. / Adults $12.Tickets available at door by cc, check & cash.
Blessing of Nativity Creche
at all masses on Gaudete Sunday You are invited to bring the Baby Jesus from your family Nativity scene
Assumption University
11:30am will be in Small Hall
Thursday, December 21:
School Christmas Pageant 10:00am
Sunday, December 24:
Fourth Sunday of Advent Masses at 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12:00pm
Christmas Eve
Children's Mass 4:30pm & Evening Mass 8:00pm
Monday, December 25:
The Birth of Our Lord - Christmas Day Masses at 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12:00pm
Support our Knights of Columbus "O Come, Let Us Adore Him" fundraising raffle. The drawing will be held on the Feast of the Epiphany. Tickets are available for ten dollars apiece.
Sunday, December 3 - First Sunday of Advent
Blessings of Advent Wreaths and Candle - Masses at 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12:00pm
Blessing and Lighting of the Tree & Christmas Caroling 5:00pm
Sunday, December 3-11
Novena for Our Lady of Guadalupe 6:30pm every evening except 12/7 & 12/8 at 6:00pm
Thursday, December 7 -
Women's Advent by Candlelight 7:00pm
Friday, December 8 -
The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (HDO) Masses at 8:30am and 6:30pm
Saturday, December 9
Gingerbread Social for All Families 1:00pm Small Hall
Sunday, December 10 - Second Sunday of Advent
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe & Celebration 10:00am Mass - Reception at 11am
Blessing of Creche at all masses
Wednesday, December 13 - School Christmas Concert at 6:30
December 15-23 -
Simbáng Gabi 6:30pm Mass Reception following every evening
Sunday, December 17 - Third Sunday of Advent
Pancake Breakfast with Santa Claus 8:00am-12:00pm Gym
Wednesday, December 20 - Eighth Grade Victorian Tea
Thursday, December 21 - School Christmas Pageant 10:00am
Sunday, December 24 - Fourth Sunday of Advent
Masses at 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12:00pm
christmas Eve Children's Mass 4:30 & Evening Mass 8pm
Monday, December 25 - The Birth of Our Lord
Christmas Day Masses at 8:00am, 10:00am, and 12:00pm
Faith Formation:
Elementary-Fifth Grade Dec. 3
Ministry Center 11:15am-12:15pm
Parent Session December 3
Small Hall 11:15am - 12:30pm
rCIA December 3 Small Hall11:15am
Confirmation Class Dec 10-
will begin with 10:00am mass
Annual Christmas Tree Lighting and Caroling - December 3
at 5:00pm You are invited for a prayerful and festive evening as we bless and light our Christmas tree. Our children have been busy making ornaments that will adorn our tree. We will sing Christmas Carols and sip hot chocolate. With this tree, decorated and adorned, may we welcome Christ among us; may its lights guide us to the perfect light. This is a wonderful way to begin Advent with your community.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Ministry Taco Sunday/Bake Sale - December 3 9am-1:30pm
Tacos, Rice & Beans $10 per plate Takeout is available Homemade treats including cookies, cakes, muffins, and more! Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea with your purchase. See you there! Bake Sale only after 8:00 mass.
Christmas Eve Pageant Calling all kids in our Assumption community to participate in our traditional Christmas Eve pageant. We need Shepards, angels, the Holy Family and more!! Mass will be at 4:30 on Christmas Eve and all participants will need to attend 2 practices in the time leading up to the 24th (dates and times of practices to be annouced next week)
Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe December 3 - 11
You are invited to pray the rosary each evening at 6:30pm except Thursday the 7th & Friday the 8th when we will meet at 6:00pm. Each evening a different host family/group will share about their devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe and will lead the rosary. After we pray, please join us un the Parish Rectory for refreshments and fellowship every evening. We pray the novenarios to Our Lady of Guadalupe in preparation for her feast which we will celebrate on December 10th at 10:00am Sunday Mass. Monsignor Tony Valdivia will be presiding and Music in Spanish by Trio Serenata.
Assumption’s Annual Women’s Advent by Candlelight - December 7
We are looking forward to ushering in the Advent Season with our prayer service in the Church this year. Come for a solemn and reflective evening of song and prayer hosted by Assumption’s Cursillo Community. Afterwards we will have fellowship and refreshments hosted by PTG No need to rsvp. Please come and bring along your daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts, and friends. Women of other parishes and denominations are always welcome!
Annual Giving Tree- Gifts due December 10
Let us continue our giving tree tradition Gift Tags with suggested gifts for children of Building Futures are available in the back of the church. Building Futures here in San Leandro has many services, including their newly expanded domestic violence and housing programs. Unwrapped gifts need to be returned by the second Sunday of Advent (12/10).
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS ASSUMPTION COUNCIL 8217 Support our Knights of Columbus "O Come, Let Us Adore Him" fundraising raffle. The drawing will be held on the Feast of the Epiphany. Tickets are available for ten dollars apiece. Raffle Tickets make a wonderful Stocking stuffer for those on your shopping list.
Breakfast with Santa - December 17 8am-12pm in the gym. Come and have photos with Santa Claus, eat a delicious pancake breakfast, hot chocolate bar, crafts for children and mimosas for adults. Volunteers needed to set up Saturday evening and assistance Sunday morning.
Join us and our Filipino Community in celebrating 9- day Novena Masses as we prepare ourselves and our Church for Christmas - which startsDecember 15 and continues thru December 23 at 6:30pm every night. During mass, the Filipino Choir will fill the church with Filipino Christmas songs and carols. After every Mass, the faithful gather for food and fellowship.
We welcome your support and attendance at Simbang Gabi. Please invite your family and friends to all nine days. We pray that, this second annual Simbang Gabi novena masses at Church of the Assumption will be a memorable celebration of Christ’s birth.
Simbang Gabi is a pre-dawn celebration of the Mass observed by Filipinos for centuries to affirm their faith. This tradition dates to 1587, when the Spanish conquistadores introduced the practice to symbolize the birth of Jesus Christ. Ringing church bells, singing Filipino Christmas carols, and displaying the starshaped parol lantern signal the start of the pre-dawn celebration among Filipinos. The farmers and fishermen took time to hear the Gospel and asked for a good harvest from the fields or a good catch while at sea before they head to work.
In San Leandro, there are no fields to till or sea to catch fish, but former Filipino immigrants in San Leandro still attend Simbang Gabi. To many, Simbang Gabi is an opportunity to open and prepare their hearts as the manger where Jesus would be born.
It is such an amazing grace and blessing that Filipino parishioners who originated from different regions of the Philippines and speak different languages and dialects work together and speak the word of LOVE—God’s word. Members of the group assist one another: they are dedicated to support the mission of Church of the Assumption, that is, to see Christ in each person.
Through Simbang Gabi, the Filipino community of Church of the Assumption aims to take the journey in reaching out to others through faith and tradition. Through working hands, willing hearts, and motivated minds, we hope to join our pastor Father John, our Bishop Michael, and Pope Francis have a Christ centered faith, having Mary, the blessed Mother as a role model of obedience to God’s will.
Fr. John Carillo will preside our 6:30pm mass on 12/15 and 12/16 Fr. Carl Arcosa presiding 12/17 Fr. Ramon Gomez presiding 12/18 Fr. Jimmy Macalinao presiding 12/19 Fr. Gus Acob presiding 12/20 Fr. Ken Sales 12/21 Fr. Bart Bartolay presiding 12/22 Fr. John Carillo presiding 12/23
Thanksgiving Day Mass
8:00am and 10:00am Inviting parishioners to bring the bread and bottle of wine or sparkling grape juice that you will later share with family and friends for a special blessing
PTG Friendsgiving Parent Education Night Nov. 16 7:00pm
Join us for an extra special PTG Parent Education Night as we celebrate together as a parent community by having extra special appetizers, drinks and desserts for our own Assumption PTG Friendsgiving. Father John and his Parish team will join us to help center us in gratitude and prepare us for the special season of Advent. We hope to see you there!
CYO Sponsored Mass Nov. 19 10am
Assumption University for Seniors Nov. 19
No need to RSVP, just show up at 11:30am in the rectory.
TK & Kindergarten Social Nov. 30
Spread the Word about Assumption School! -Tell your family, friends and neighbors to come tp the open house www.
Cena Guadalupana - Nov. 5
OLOG Dinner Dance will be from 4pm-7pm in the small hall. Tickets are still available. Contact Amada Robles [email protected]
Altar Server Training - Nov. 6
The training series for fourth to eighth graders is on November 6, 7, and 13 at 3:15 - 4:15 with a Commissioning Celebration and Dinner for altar servers and families in the Rectory on November 14 at 7 p.m. Students MUST attend two of the three training days during the series.
Assumption University for Seniors - Nov. 8
No need to RSVP, just show up at 11:30am in the rectory.
Save the Date: Dec. 17
Breakfast with Santa is Coming! Sunday, December 17th in the gym
Confirmation Preparation November 12
Join us at 11am at the small hall
AYSAT - November 12
Will gather at 11:15am at the Ministry Center following the 10am family mass.
Kindergarten thru Fifth Grade November 12
Classes are held at Ministry Center at 11:15am.
Parent Session November 12
Classes are for all parents whose children will be receiving First Holy Communion. Join us at 11:15-12:30 small hall
RCIA November 12
Session will be held at 11:15am at the small hall
Confirmation Preparation October 29
Join us at 11am at the small hall
AYSAT - October 29
Will gather at 11:15am at the Ministry Center following the 10am family mass.
Pistahan Sa October 29
Pistahan (Fiesta) will be held Sunday from 11:30am to 2:00pm at the grass area. Join us for traditional Filipino food and games. RSVP is a must
Brown Bag Outreach Oct. 29
Bring your bottles and they will be offered up for a blessing.
October is Rosary Month: 31 day Rosary Challenge -Day #29
Join us at 6:30pm for the final days of our challenge.
OLOG Meeting - Oct. 29
Our Lady of Guadalupe ministry will hold a planning meeting at 3:00pm in St. John Paul ii Room in the rectory.
Cena Guadalupana - Nov. 5
OLOG Dinner Dance
Please join us for dinner and live music on Sunday November 5th from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the small hall. Our resident chef, Antonio Solano will prepare a meal of tender chicken in a rich mushroom gravy, over a bed of fluffy mashed potatoes and a medley of fresh roasted vegetables, along with a light refreshing salad. End your meal with a decedent dessert. Enjoy the sounds of live music provided by Trio Quarteto. Suggested donation is $80 per person. Please reserve seat online or through the parish office. All proceeds will go towards this year’s celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe in December. Everyone is welcome! Thank you for your support!
Altar Server Training - Nov. 6
The training series for fourth to eighth graders is on November 6, 7, and 13 at 3:15 - 4:15 with a Commissioning Celebration and Dinner for altar servers and families in the Rectory on November 14 at 7 p.m. Students MUST attend two of the three training days during the series.
Assumption University for Seniors - Nov. 8
No need to RSVP, just show up at 11:30am at St. John Paulii room in the rectory
November Devotions All Saints Day Wednesday, November 1
Masses will be at 8:30am - 12:00pm - 6:30pm
All Souls Day Thursday, November 2
Masses will be at 8:30am - 12:00pm - 6:30pm On the Feast of All Souls,
the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, we pray for the souls of those who have died. Bring your candle to mass on All Souls Day, for a special Candle Lighting Ceremony. There will be a special Offertory Altar for the month of November. You are welcomed to bring in a small framed photograph of your departed loved ones. Please remember to write your name and phone number on the back of the frame.
Concert: “One Body of Christ” - Nov. 3
Join us for an evening of song featuring sacred, folk, and contemporary music sung by the Filipino clergy in the Oakland Diocese(including Fr. John and Father Julius) at Holy Spirit Church in Fremont at 7pm. $25. suggested donation.
Assumption University for Seniors - Nov. 4.
No need to RSVP, just show up at 11:30 in the rectory.
Faith Formation Kindergarten thru Fifth Grade October 22
Classes are held at Ministry Center at 11:15am, immediately after the 10am family mass
RCIA October 23
Join us at 7pm at Saint John Paul ii Room in the rectory
Confirmation Preparation October 29
Join us at 11am at the small hall AYSAT - October 29 Will gather at 11:15am at the Ministry Center following the 10am family mass
Trunk or Treat & Pumpkin Carving Contest - October 28
Dad's Club Presents Halloween Fun! Saturday 6pm - 9 pm School Gates open @ 6pm for Trunk or Treat & Pumpkin Judging Bring your chairs and blankets! Concessions available for purchase RSVP is a must! Ben Fargo (925) 786-3120 / [email protected]
Pistahan Sa October 29
Pistahan (Fiesta) will be held next Sunday from 11:30 to 2:00 PM at the grass area. Join us for traditional Filipino Complimentary food and games. RSVP. Sign up sheets available after all masses this weekend.
Assumption University for Seniors - October 15
Join in the fun at the 1st annual AU Oktoberfest celebration of German-style food, drinks, and fun! No need to RSVP, just show up at 11:30am in the rectory dining room.
Confirmation Preparation - October 15
Join us at 11am at the small hall RCIA October 16 Join us at 7pm at Saint John Paul ii Room in the rectory
AYSAT - October 19
Students and their parents volunteer at the Bethel Food Pantry from 5:00pm-8:30pm
Into the Breach - October 21
This in-person session on "The Mission of the Family" is sponsored by Knights of Columbus Council 8217 and will be held from 8:00am until noon.
Love and Responsibility Bay Area - October 21
Save the Date for "Day of Recollection and Celebration for Love and Responsibility Bay Area’s One Year Anniversary" 8:30am4:00pm. All Young Adults in the Bay area are invited to our Saint John Paul ii Celebration here at Assumption. @loveand responsibilitybayarea
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk - October 22
Assumption Community honors Marnelle Vieira-Ducey for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October! We proudly continue this tradition of the Cancer Walk at Crissy Field in San Francisco.. You can get more information by calling the school office at 510-357-8772. To donate:
Faith Formation Kindergarten thru Fifth Grade - October 22
Classes are held at Ministry Center at 11:15am.
Important updates regarding the maintenance and improvements taking place. These projects go thru the process of obtaining at least three bids and are approved by the Diocese of Oakland and our Finance Committee. The Finance Quarterly Report will be shared with everyone next month with exact costs of each project.
1. Sound System Upgrade: We are thrilled to announce that our church has undergone a significant enhancement in its sound system. This upgrade aims to provide a more immersive and spiritually enriching worship experience for all our parishioners. With this improvement, our hymns, sermons, and musical performances will resonate even more profoundly, fostering a deeper connection with our faith.
2. New Roof for the Ministry Center: The Ministry center (the old convent), a place of quiet reflection and dedicated service, is receiving a new roof. This vital renovation ensures a safe and comfortable environment for our School Library, Faith Formation Classes, Ministry Groups, and staff. The roof is in a deteriorated condition, and many of the asphalt tabs blew off the roof in the last winter’s storm. Your continued support makes it possible for us to maintain this sanctuary where spiritual guidance and support are provided.
3. Rectory Residence Repair: In our commitment to preserving the beauty and integrity of our church facilities, we are replacing the old tile ceiling and light fixtures, and repainting inside of the rectory. This improvement not only enhances the aesthetics but also contributes to the overall safety and longevity of the building. We are grateful for your understanding and patience during this renovation process.
We express our heartfelt gratitude to all our parishioners and generous donors whose maintenance contributions have made these renovations possible. Your support enables us to maintain our sacred space and continue our mission of spreading love, compassion, and faith within our community. During this period of renovation, some areas of the church may be temporarily affected. We kindly ask for your patience and understanding as we work to complete these upgrades efficiently and with the utmost care. We invite you to join us in prayer, expressing our gratitude for the blessings that allow us to maintain our church home and serve our community faithfully. BIG Shout Out to our Facilities & Grounds Director Peter Gisslow! We also truly appreciate the many hours volunteered by Local Union 3 VAC Committee, led by Martin Franco, in painting the rectory.
"Brown Bag Outreach"
Our Brown Bag Project for October is a baby bottle fundraiser for Birthright in conjunction with October being Respect Life Month. Beyond the unborn, Respect Life Month also shines a light on the needs of the elderly, individuals with disabilities, and others who may be marginalized or at risk. We encourage you to actively engage in efforts of respecting all lives. Bottles are available in the history room and will be offered up for a blessing on October 29.
Registration for Faith Formation Deadline to register is now!
call the office at 510-352-1537 or online at
Kindergarten thru Fifth Grade. Our programs combine religious education, participation in weekly liturgies, faith families, & preparation for sacraments. Next class will be on Sunday, october 8 at 11:15 Ministry Center. It is not to late to sign up.
Assumption Youth Social Action Team AYSAT is an excellent group of our Assumption Community middle & freshman high schoolers (Grades 6-9). IT IS NOT TO LATE TO SIGN UP.
Confirmation Preparation for Teens While teens in our community attend various high school, Assumption's Confirmation program provides a place for them to come together and to learn, to share, and to build a faith community. Classes begin Sunday October 1
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Have you completed your sacraments of initiation? Do you know anyone who is interested in becoming Catholic or completing their sacraments of initiation? Then RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is for you. RCIA Sessions begin Monday October 2
October is Rosary Month: 31 day Rosary Challenge
We invite you to pray the Most Holy Rosary for the entire month of October. We have added a special 6:30 pm time to come together to pray as a family. Call the office if you'd like to lead the rosary with your family, or ministry and let Martha know which evening. We encourage everyone to join the challenge. Let's follow the Blessed Mother's wishes to pray the Rosary. Mary's love for us and our love for her is all about God. The month of October that love is focused on the Holy Rosary. Through the Holy Rosary, we meditate on God’s Word. The Gospel becomes embedded in our hearts, and Mary holds our hand to Jesus Christ. May we grow in our respect for the gift and Gospel of Life and during this month pray together the family rosary.
Join the Adult Choir September 16/23
Love to sing? All voices welcomed! Join the Adult Choir led by Music Director Bill Vaughan. Getting together in a group to sing provides endless joy. It's real communion with others. Practice begins at 4:00pm. Adult choir will sing during the Saturday evening vigil mass at 4:30pm. We welcome the choir back after taking the summer off.
Into the Breach - September 23
All men are invited to attend Into the Breach Retreat next Saturday. This in-person session on "Why Men Must Stand Up for Life" is sponsored by Knights of Columbus Council 8217 and will be held from 8:00am until noon. The morning will start at 8:00am with Check in & coffee reception followed by 8:30 Mass. Continental Breakfast will be served after 9 and the "Into the Breach" Video in the Small Hall followed by discussion and group reflections. The morning will conclude with Closing prayers and Blessings. All men are welcome.
Assumption University for Seniors Fall Semester Starts September 27 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Join the Assumption University Fun, Fellowship Lunch, and Learn Series Discover new interests, engage in lively discussions, and form lasting connections! Prepare to expand your horizons, nourish your spirit, and enjoy the delightful company of fellow parishioners who are 55 & Older. Classes will be held in the rectory. So, twice a month, there are going to be different presenters, talking about many unusual subjects. One class might be someone from the historical society making a presentation. Or, it could be fitness, jazz music, chair yoga, line dancing lessons, photo workshop, art, and much more. Contact Mary for info.
Annual School Fall Festival Weekend of September 29-October 1
Fall Festival is coming and we can't do it without the support from all of you. Donations are needed. Thank you! Please leave donations at the school front office • New or Gently Used Toys for Prize Booth • Glasses and Mugs for the Glass Booth • 2L Soda Bottles for the Ring Toss Booth • Wine bottles for the 21+ festival zone • Cases of juices, sparkling water, sodas • Boxes of individual chip or snack bags • Costco and Safeway Gift cards • Baked goods will be accepted the weekend of the festival
labor day - September 4
The School and Church Office will be closed Monday in observance of Labor Day. Have a safe and blessed holiday!
Cursillo Weekend Men’s Weekend: September 14-17 Women’s Weekend Sept. 21-24
Is your heart on fire for Christ? Is it filled with the Holy Spirit or like a candle in the wind, flickering and barely alive? If you want to experience what the disciples felt on the day of Pentecost, then give yourself the gift of a Cursillo and light your heart on fire!Making a Cursillo weekend is a great way to deepen your relationship with Christ. A Cursillo weekend is three days long, and its impact can last a lifetime. Got questions - Contact Jennie 510.875.9170 - [email protected]
Registration for Faith Formation (Kindergarten - Confirmation)
Registration for Faith Formation programs is now open at Church of Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary for Fall 2023! This Fall, we will offer programs for Elementary, Middle School, High School and Adults. Deadline to register 9/22. Most classes begin on September 24th.
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Have you completed your sacraments of initiation? Do you know anyone who is interested in becoming Catholic or completing their sacraments of initiation? Then RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is for you. Now is the time to sign up. Sessions begin October 2nd.
"Brown Bag Outreach" Spreading Love and Warmth: Through Handwritten Cards This month, we will be reaching out to the shut-ins and elderly members of our community through heartfelt handwritten cards. We will offer them up for a blessing on September 24 during the offertory at all weekend masses. Be sure to drop off your cards into basket in the history room.
Back-to- School Backpack Drive August 12
on Saturday August 12 at 12:30pm
we will create an assembly line at the Jean Schroeder Terrace. The plan is to fill donated backpacks with school supplies. This outreach project is in support of a local elementary school where Olivia, an Assumption Alumni, teaches. Thank you for those who have donated - we overwhelmingly exceeded our goal. Come help us fill the backpacks!
Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima August 13 Next Sunday from 7:15am until 2pm the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be here at Assumption for prayer and veneration. This statue was acquired from Fatima, Portugal in the early 1980’s to help with World Apostolate of Fatima (WAF) evangelizations mission of spreading Fatima messages during the apparitions and of asking people to know and love the Blessed Mother.
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 15 at 6:00pm We will celebrate the solemnity of our patroness on her Feast Day – the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – and Assumption Parish and School request the honor of your presence in this beautiful and special Mass at our church. Bishop Michael Barber will be our main celebrant and homilist. The Golden Gate Boys Choir will grace our worship with their beautiful music and voices! There will be no morning mass.
Family Game Night August 18 6:30pm Join us for our Second Annual Family Game Night at 6:30 for BBQ and Games for the entire family as we continue to have fun with our Parish Feast Celebrations. Our CYO Dads vs. Oakland Clergy Basketball game will have a rematch at 8:00pm in the gym.
Eucharistic Miracles of the World Exhibit August 25-31 Exhibit will be in small hall after 3pm on school days and all day weekend of 26/27. Family Fun Day August 27 11am-2pm Our Annual Parish Celebration of community, food, music, games, bake contest, fellowship, and much more.
Set-up for Family Fun Day August 26 10am-12pm Help is needed setting up tables and chairs is the grass area. If you have any canopies we can use for the weekend please drop them off that Saturday morning at 10am. We need 20 canopies. PLEASE SIGN UP HERE or call the office
Assumption Parish Family Fun Day Outdoor family events at Assumption Parish. With delicious food, dessert contest, music and family games. Sunday, August 27 · 11am - 2pm lease RSVP to help our committee plan and ensure it will be a good time for all! (Free admission) A parish festival is a one of the treasured events that brings the whole community together. We invite parishioners & non-parishioners, Catholics & non-Catholics, our school families and community neighbors to engage and enjoy an outdoor affair our lovely parish / school grounds. Food & Drink: Food booths: including a Grill/BBQ, Filipino and more. Dessert Contest. Free to taste & judge. Donations: Bring a dessert to be judged by parishioners by noon. Adult and youth categories. Be sure to bring your entry! Holy Spirit Bake Sale to benefit Assumption Youth Social Action Team. See FAQs for details. 21+ drinks available (beer/wine) Outdoor Family Games: Old-fashioned family fun games. Try your best to win out against your fellow community members in a three legged race or egg on a spoon. All food, drinks and raffle tickets to be purchased with "Assumption Bucks." You can purchase "Assumptions Bucks" beforehand HERE or at Family Fun Day. We hope to see you there!
We welcome VOLUNTEERS to help with this event, please sign up HERE! Thank you! We also need DESSERTS for the contest and bake sale, see FAQs for details or contact Jacqui Diaz at [email protected] If you have any questions, please contact Mary Schrimer at [email protected]
Corporal Works of Mercy Brown Bag Outreach for August
In honor of Mary this months outreach will be for Mothers in need by collecting Diapers and Baby Wipes. These baby essentials will be donated locally to Building Futures, George Mark Children's House, and CALICO. Your gift will help ensure that parents in need will receive sufficient supplies to keep their infant or child clean and dry. Place diapers (all sizes needed!) and wipes in the history room or the parish office.
Many Hands Needed For Church Cleaning Day August 5
In preparation for the celebrations surrounding the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary there will be a Church Cleanup-Up Day on Saturday, August 5th from 10am-12:00pm. Sign up sheets and buckets are in the back of the church. Please specify what area you prefer to work on the sign up sheet: Infant Room, History Room, Choir Loft, Vestibule, Bathrooms, Entry to Nave, Nave: pews & floors-12 volunteers needed, Sanctuary, Priest Sacristy, Environment Rooms, Side Altar, Outside: at Mary Seese Plaza, Gazebo, Front Stairs. Donations for needed cleaning supplies can be left in Clean- Up Buckets. This church beautification project is a great time to come out in fellowship with others to 'shine up' your church. Pizza will be served after the clean up.Thank you!
Novena to Our Lady of the Assumption August 6 - 14
Beginning August 6 thru August 14 from 6:30pm - 7:00pm, we invite you to join us for nine days of prayer and adoration as we lead up to our Feast Day. We will expose the Blessed Sacrament and pray the Holy Rosary and Novena. Every evening there will be a different group leading the Rosary and people sharing their Reflections.Come and pray with us for the protection of our Church and parish community, and for your own special intentions. Please invite your family and friends, and together as a community, we implore the help of our Blessed Mother and Patroness to lead us closer to Her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Mary Camp August 12
Calling all children ages four and older in celebrating the Assumption of Mary, Mother of Jesus on Saturday, August 12 from 9:30am - 12:30pm at the Jean Schroeder Terrace on campus. Come meet new friends. Arts and Crafts:There will be arts and crafts stations where the campers will move station to station creating crafts while learning more about Mary. Snack: what would a celebration be without food. We will enjoy a Mary inspired snack together. Games: Let us play and laugh together as we celebrate our Parish Feast Day. Needed: We need older kids to be our "camp buddies" to our younger campers. Anyone Sith Grade and up can sign up as a buddy! Register by 8/10 online or call the parish office.
Altar Server Recruitment July 15-16
We are recruiting new altar servers! Youth and adults who have received First Communion and attend Mass regularly are welcome to serve. This weekend Dennis Burigsay, our altar server coordinator, will talk at all the masses. He will relay details about signing up and training. For more information about how you can serve in this important ministry contact the parish office.
Knitting & Crochet OutReach Ministry July 26
We are getting together on Wednesday, July 26 from 10:00am -11:30am in the Rectory Conference Room to knit, crochet or maybe you want to refresh your skill or perhaps learn how to with a very relaxing group of women (no age restriction).
Greeter Ministry The Greeter Ministry ensures everyone feels welcome when they come to worship at Church of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A warm greeting provides a wonderful invitation to join our celebration of each Mass. Becoming a Greeter is a simple yet powerful way to serve God. Sharing a smile and a few kind words can make a positive difference in every person's day. And by creating a welcoming environment, parishioners and visitors are encouraged to become involved in our community of faith. If you have any questions about becoming a Greeter, or you are presently a Greeter, please call Gloria Calegari at 510357-0943.
Introducing Our New Monthly Outreach Program
Our parish staff has been working diligently behind the scenes to develop a new initiative that will foster deeper connections with our community and serve those in need. It is a privilege to announce the launch of our monthly outreach program. We firmly believe that as followers of Christ, it is our responsibility to spread His love and compassion beyond the walls of our church. This new program is designed to provide opportunities for us to actively engage with individuals and families who may be facing various challenges or simply need support. By extending a helping hand and being the hands and feet of Jesus, we aim to make a positive impact on the lives of those we encounter.
The monthly outreach program will feature a diverse range of activities and initiatives, each with a specific focus on addressing various needs within our community. Some of the initiatives we have planned include: Food Drives, Clothing Drives, and Educational Support. We are open to new ideas and suggestions, and we encourage everyone to actively participate in this noble endeavor. Our monthly outreach program will not only bless those we serve but also enrich our own lives through the bonds we forge and the experiences we share.
Together, let us make a difference in our community, following the teachings of Christ and spreading His love far and wide. In the words of Matthew 25:40, "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me." May we embark on this new journey with open hearts and an unwavering commitment to serving others.
Our first monthly outreach is a backpack & school supplies drive for a local elementary school this July. We are excited about this opportunity and look forward to working together to make a meaningful impact in the lives of those around us.
Parish Ministry Revival this Saturday Vigil Mass
Fr. Mark Wiesner will share the beautiful message about the Holy Eucharist and the necessity of praying for a Revival on June 24 at 4:30pm.
Father Mark was assigned here at Assumption Parish from May 2001 until December 2003. He has been pastor at Catholic Community of Pleasanton for the last four years. We are excited to have him come and preach this weekend.
At the end of mass you will also have the opportunity to register to participate or volunteer for the Diocesan Eucharistic Revival happening in September which will be held at Cathedral Christ the Light.
Curious as to what this Diocesan Eucharistic Revival Congress is all about? Find all the FAQs at
Planning Meeting for Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Celebrations - June 14
There will be a planning meeting for all who are interested on Wednesday, June 14th at 6:30 pm in the rectory. The discussion will be around the Feast Day Mass with the Bishop on August 15th, the Mary Camp on Saturday August 12th and the Family Fun Day on Sunday August 27th. As always, thank you for all that you do for our Assumption community!
Revival Missionary: Fr. Mark Wiesner will be presiding 4:30pm Mass - June 24
After mass a team will be available to register participants and volunteers for the Diocesan Eucharistic Revival Congress taking place in September at the Cathedral of Christ the Light.
Save the Date - Sunday, August 27 Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Family Fun Day: Outdoor Fun, Music & Food!
Offering the Precious Blood to the Faithful at Communion on Feast of Corpus Christi – June 11
The resuming of the distribution of Communion under both species will begin next weekend at Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.
Oakland Diocese PARISH Question and Answers in response to the Roman Catholic Bishop of Oakland (“RCBO”) filing for bankruptcy relief under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code on May 8, 2023. Here is a sample of the Question and Answers that can be found on the Q & A's sheets in the back of the church: If a parishioner has made a designated gift or donation to this parish, will that money remain here or can it be moved to RCBO for settlement purposes? Designated gifts and donations are protected under state law and cannot be used to settle claims.
We can connect you with resources specific to your concerns. For more information, visit 11 or call toll free 888-733- 1425. For access to certain documents visit hhtps://
Taco Sunday - June 4 Join us next weekend from 9am-1:30pm hosted by Knights of Columbus. BIG Shout Out to KoC for the delicious luncheon they prepared last Sunday for our Community
Assumption School presents our annual Spring Concert May 17 at 6:30pm in the church. All are welcome to enjoy the celebration of music! Listen to a sneak peak of some of the students performing under the leadership of music director Bill Vaughan:
Our Lady of Fatima Feast Day - Fr. John's Anniversary May 13 marks Fr. John's Ordination seven years ago. Blessings on the anniversary of your ordination to the priesthood Father John!
Sacrament of Confirmation - May 13 4:30pm Mass Wishing Veronica, Liliana, Andrea, Lizbeth, Sylvie, Sean, Samantha, Olivia, Gabe, Katherine, Janessa, and Cristhopher. a life full of faith and love on this Confirmation day. May you be blessed in all that you do. The Holy Spirit bestows seven gifts— wisdom, understanding, knowledge, fortitude, counsel, piety, and fear of the Lord—to assist us in our mission and witness.
An Announcement from the Office of Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ:
Today we are taking an important step to address the impact of the harm caused by clergy sexual abuse. The Diocese of Oakland has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
We believe this is the best way to ensure a fair and equitable outcome for all survivors of clergy sex abuse and provide just compensation to the innocent people who were harmed, while allowing the Diocese to stabilize its finances and continue our sacred mission, entrusted to us by Christ.
You will find a letter from Bishop Barber, Frequently Asked Questions addressing our response to the harms caused by clergy sexual abuse, Survivor resources, and a media release on our website at
May 8, 2023
Dear parishioners and friends of the Diocese of Oakland,
On March 16, I wrote to you about the impact on our diocese of a state law (AB 218), which allowed time barred or expired claims of child sexual abuse to be filed by alleged survivors.
Today, I am informing you, after considerable consultation and much prayer, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Oakland (RCBO) has filed for bankruptcy.
Let me begin by telling you why we made this filing and what it means.
We made the filing because we believe this process is the best way to support a compassionate and equitable outcome for survivors of abuse, while ensuring we continue to provide the essential services and support so crucial to our parishioners and communities.
Our mission will continue as it always has. Our schools will not be impacted, nor, for example, will Catholic Charities, St Vincent de Paul Society, or Catholic Cemeteries. Employees will be paid as usual, and their benefit programs will continue uninterrupted.
Our parishes will also continue to celebrate Mass and other sacraments, and provide religious education. We will continue our charitable work for the poor. And we will continue our commitment to provide a safe, healthy and holy environment for our children and vulnerable adults.
I am deeply grateful for everything you do to ensure the Church’s mission continues, including the time, talent and treasure you offer to these ministries. Your support of your parish and the Bishop’s Ministries Appeal allow us to continue to answer Christ’s call to be missionary disciples. I reassure you contributions made to the Bishop's Ministries Appeal are restricted for use by the stated ministries, not for settling creditor claims.
While the filing will have a direct impact on our Mission Alignment Process, it will not divert us from our mission. With God’s grace and our unified commitment, I am confident we will be able to continue our work to re-align our resources to meet the needs of our diocese, while addressing claims coming through the bankruptcy process.
Even though the statute of limitations window closed December 31, 2022, claims received prior to that date are still being processed and we are still receiving notification of those claims. As of today, we have more than 330 claims. A great majority of the alleged abuse occurred between 1960 and 1989. Since then, the diocese has put in place robust safeguards to protect children and vulnerable adults including background checks and training about the nature of child sexual abuse, how it is perpetrated, how to report it, and strategies for prevention.
We know the pain inflicted against our children and young people decades ago continues to cause great suffering. I am deeply sorrowful about this reality and pray daily for all impacted. As Pope Benedict XVI reminds us, there is sin and evil in the world, even in our Church. But there is also virtue and mercy in abundance. We must address the sin and move forward as instruments of God’s mercy and holiness.
An important way for us to be these instruments is to unite as Catholics and engage the results of our Mission Alignment Process, moving forward as good and wise stewards in the best use the gifts God has provided us.
Tomorrow, May 9, I am meeting with all the pastors of the diocese to discuss the Mission Alignment Process and the impact our bankruptcy filing will have on our implementation.
We are committed to addressing the current reality in our diocese, a reality happening not just here, but throughout North America and in many Christian denominations. It is a dual challenge of declining engagement by Catholics and a decline in priestly and religious vocations, resulting in underutilized parish facilities. In our diocese, for example, we have 25% fewer priests than we had in 1985, and we have seen Mass attendance drop precipitously, almost in half, since 2010. It is essential we focus on our mission to serve people, not on maintenance of structures which no longer serve our mission.
I ask for your commitment to work with me and our pastors in the upcoming months as we determine how best to address the outcome of the bankruptcy process and how to “right size” our parishes to serve the faithful and all who come to us seeking Christ’s tender love. This effort will require us to close some of our worship sites and re-imagine how we use other locations. All will be impacted by these changes; yet I promise all will be able to be part of a faith community where we can celebrate the sacraments, pass on the faith to our children, and offer works of mercy to those individuals in need. We will all be challenged to put aside our personal preferences and work together for the good of the whole community and the future of our beloved Church.
Please join me, too, in praying for the survivors of clergy sexual abuse and their continued healing. My prayer is that all us Catholics in the Diocese of Oakland live our lives as true witnesses of the love and mercy of Jesus Christ.
You, the priests and people of our diocese are generous, faithful and full of good will. Thank you for your continual support for Christ and His Church.
Wishing you every grace and blessing,
Most Rev. Michael C. Barber, SJ
Bishop of Oakland
Our young adults will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation next Saturday, May 13 at 4:30pm. Last weekend they attended their retreat which was designed to deepen the spiritual life of the students. Students had the opportunity for personal prayer, reconciliation, and Mass during the retreat.
Our Faith Formation and School elementary students will receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion next Sunday, May 7 at 10:00am. The Eucharist is the most profound way we encounter the real presence of Jesus Christ. In preparation they have been learning the importance of going to Sunday Mass, that the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist is our belief that the bread and wine truly become the body and blood of Jesus, showing reverence and to focus on the sacrament when receiving Communion, How to pray by just talking to God about anything from our hearts and also how to pray the prayers in our little prayer books.
May Crowning Liturgy Monday, May 1st 8:30am The Class of 2023 begins their last full month as Assumption School student leaders honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary in our annual May Crowning liturgy. This liturgy will highlight our 8th graders and also have representatives from every class adorn our statue of Mary with flowers. Maya D and Noah R were voted by their classmates to crown Mary.
Save the Date: Hoedown Throwdown - May 6th
You're invited to the Parish Country Hoedown Dinner. Yeehaw! Come eat, drink, holler and dance!
Tickets can be purchased at the door
Dinner at the Assumption Corral INCLUDES
Adults $30. / Children 5-10 $10. / School alumni $20. / kids four and under are free
- Click to purchase tickets
Join us for a fun night of friends, music, and great food!
Just one of our many big attractions for the evening at the hoedown will be our raffle. At this time, we are looking for raffle prizes.
If you would like to donate (such as bottle of wine, gift certificate, baked goods, overnight stay, Personal chef for a night, spa items) contact Kelly at the rectory office. Monetary donations will be used to purchase raffle items to make this event successful.
We are starting to collect items for our raffle!! We are in need of either put together baskets OR just items that we can put with other items to create an amazing raffle basket!!! If you have anything you would like to donate, please contact us here . We appreciate all your support!
See you at the Hoedown!
A 72nd Wedding Anniversary!
Congratulations to this special couple on their Wedding Anniversary. Longtime parishioners Al and Mary Lou Weinberger celebrate their 72nd anniversary today.
They have been dedicated parishioners since 1968, faithfully volunteering in various ministries. Two of their younger children are school alumni.
On behalf of the Assumption Community we wish this perfect pair a perfectly happy day.
On Good Friday, Reflections on Jesus’ Seven Last Words
As Jesus hung on the cross, he uttered seven last phrases of great meaning to those contemplating his passion and death. Today, on Good Friday, we remember his Seven Last Words, Click here to watch...
Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion, April 7th
8:30am Morning Prayer
12:00pm Stations of the Cross
3:00pm Divine Mercy Novena
4:30pm Lord’s Passion & Veneration of the Cross 6:30pm Lord’s Passion & Veneration of the Cross
Easter Vigil, April 8th
8:30am Morning Prayer
3:00pm Divine Mercy Novena
7:30 pm Easter Vigil Mass
At Easter Vigil, we welcome three new adult Catholics into our community, one will be joining us in Full Communion, and five children will receive baptism.
Easter Sunday April 9 -
Masses at 8:00am, 10:00am*, 12:00 pm
*Egg Hunt and Special Guest following the 10am mass
3:00pm Divine Mercy Novena
the Seven Last Words of jesus ASSUMPTION parish LENTEN RETREAT March 31 and April 1
Friday, March 31st
5:30pm Soup Supper
6:30pm Stations of the Cross in Church
7:30pm Session 1
“Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing” - First Words of Jesus presented by Greg Gomez
“Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise” - Second Words of Jesus presented
by Michelle Gomez
“Woman, here is your son...Here is your mother” - Third Words of Jesus presented
by Greg Gomez
Saturday, April 1st
8:30am Gather 9:00am Session 2
“My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?” - Fourth Last Words of Jesus presented
by Merlie Macasieb
“I am thirsty!” – Fifth Last Words of Jesus presented by Jacqui Diaz
“It is finished!” – Sixth Last Words of Jesus presented by Bill Vaughan
“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit!” – Seventh Last Words of Jesus presented
by Lizette Rocha
11:00am Anointing of the Sick
11:45AM Simple Lunch (Blessed Sacrament remains exposed for individual prayer and quiet time)
1:00pm Individual Confessions
3:00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet & Benediction
4:30pm Palm Sunday Vigil Mass
Enter into the mystery of those simple yet profound words and grow closer to Jesus during this season of Lent. This Lenten retreat will invite you to reflect on the Seven Last words of Christ on the Cross. These words are the seven last sentences uttered by Jesus as he hung on the Cross on Good Friday, as recorded in the Gospels.
Assumption Parish Lenten Retreat invites us to walk through the sufferings of Christ. Christ said very little when he was betrayed. He did not attempt to defend himself, but “humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross” (Phil 2:8).
With so little said, Christ’s last seven words hold weight. A Jesuit priest in the 17th century is said to have started this devotion and it has become a well-loved tradition since. We contemplate not on a single word but these last seven statements said. All are welcome in joining us to set some time aside to meditate on his precious words.
Holy Week / Triduum Schedule
Palm Sunday, April 2nd Masses at 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm
Holy Monday, April 3rd 8:30am Mass
Holy Tuesday, April 4th 8:30am Mass
Holy Wednesday, April 5th 8:30am Mass
Holy Thursday, April 6th
8:30am Morning Prayer
11:00am Stations of the Cross
6:30pm Mass of the Last Supper
8:00pm Procession to the Altar of Repose & Adoration
11:30pm Night Prayer
Good Friday, April 7th
8:30am Morning Prayer
12:00pm Stations of the Cross
3:00pm Divine Mercy Novena
4:30pm Lord’s Passion & Veneration of the Cross
6:30pm Lord’s Passion & Veneration of the Cross
Easter Vigil, April 8th
8:30am Morning Prayer
3:00pm Divine Mercy Novena
7:30 pm Easter Vigil Mass
Easter Sunday April 9 -
Masses at 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00 pm
3:00pm Divine Mercy Novena
Message from Bishop Michael Barber
"Today, I write about an important moment in our journey toward rebuilding Christ’s Church, a moment in which I ask for your support. My prayer is that all Christians in the Diocese of Oakland live our lives as true witnesses of the love and mercy of Jesus Christ to the world, and protect from harm all who come to us looking for the love of God."
Read Bishop Barber's full letter of March 16, 2023 on our response to the harm of clergy sexual abuse on the Diocese website. There is a helpful FAQ Frequently Asked Questions also connected to this link.
St Vincent de Paul Easter Food Drive
SVdP will pass out bags for our Easter Food drive this weekend. This is one effort on behalf of the entire parish to share our Good News of Easter and the food from our bounty with those who have far less than we do. The bags will have a list attached noting the desired items. We ask that NO items with expired dates, as well as glass items, be included.
Clothing Drive for Building Futures
Moreau High School students are sponsoring a clothing drive for women and children's clothing. Place gently used items in the vestibule history room by April 2nd.
Dads Club Poker Tournament April 22
13th Annual Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament will be held in the gym starting at 5:30pm. Registration is now open!
Save the Date: May 6th Hoedown Throwdown
Howdy! The Parish Country Hoedown Throwdown Dinner will be a boot scootin' good time! Join us for an evening filled with dancing, food and music.
february 26 - Taco Sunday is canceled due to the weather forecast
February 25 - Knights of Columbus "into the breach" has been RESCHeDuled until march
February 24 - Eat, Pray and Give
Join us this evening for our first EAT, PRAY AND GIVE
6:30pm Stations of the Cross
7:00pm Soup Supper
Sponsored by Faith Formation and Assumption Youth
Social Action Team (AYSAT)
February 18 - Burning of the Ashes outdoors at 5:30pm following Saturday Vigil ( burning of blessed palms from last year's Palm Sunday to prepare ashes for Ash Wednesday)
February 22 - Ash Wednesday
8:30am School Mass: 8th Grade with Distribution of Ashes
10:00am Liturgy of the Word with Distribution of Ashes (no Holy Communion)
12:00pm Mass with Distribution of Ashes
6:30pm Mass with Distribution of Ashes
Join us on a special Lenten Journey
National Marriage Week February 7-14, 2023
The Sacrament of Marriage is not a one-time ceremony, but a lifelong collaboration with God to bring life and grace to the world through the powerful witness of married love.
Giving thanks. Gratitude. A grateful heart. A compliment. A word of praise. A thank-you note. All of these expressions are the very oxygen of our marriages and our relationships with our children, the basis for a flourishing Catholic home.
For information and resources supporting marriage and the family, click here...
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults February 11
RCIA celebrates the Rite of Welcoming and Acceptance Saturday at our 4:30 Vigil Mass. The Rite of Election with Bishop Barber will follow at the Cathedral on February 25th. Please pray for our Adult Candidates as they prepare to receive the Sacraments that we are so fortunate to receive!
Our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Candidates have been meeting once a week since last fall. Through weekly classes, the shared experience of weekly Mass, special liturgies and community service, candidates examine and deepen their faith lives with our RCIA director Jim Brady.
2023 Metro Girls Volleyball Playoffs February 11th Assumption Gym
Game 1 9:30am 8th All Saints vs St Felicitas
Game 2 11:00 8th Grade Assumption vs St Joachim
Game 3 Conclusion of Game 2
8th Championship Game
Game 4 2:00pm 7th All Saints vs OLG W
Game 5 3:30 7th Grade Assumption vs St Felicitas
Game 6 Conclusion of Game 5
7th Championship Game
Come cheer on our 7th and 8th grade girls volleyball teams as they play in their playoffs and championships!
Assumption Youth Social Action Team February 12
AYSAT will meet at 11:30 am in the Youth Ministry Center. They will start planning a service project for Lent. Also on the agenda is checking for any progress on our seeds in the future butterfly garden and pray the 3rd and 4th Mysteries of the Rosary.
Young Adult Group February 14
YAG continues their book study on "Men, Women & Mystery of Love -Edward Siri" at 7:00pm at the rectory. Join the discussion with Love & Responsibility Bay Area on Chapter 3-4.
Knights of Columbus Council 8217 Baby Bottle Campaign for Birthright -
February 18 thru 26 Birthright of San Lorenzo, a crisis pregnancy center, needs your help to support mothers in crisis by participating in a “Change for Babies” fundraiser. Your spare change will go towards the funding of the daily operating expenses to keep the doors open to pregnant women. Knights of Columbus and Birthright Volunteers will be passing out baby bottles after the masses on the weekend of February 18/19 to take home for those who are interested. Fill the bottles with any change or money that you want to donate. KoC asks you to return the bottles the following weekend at the masses of February 25/26. Your spare change will help babies and change lives!
Burning of the Ashes February 18
Will take place outdoors at 5:30pm following the Saturday Vigil. The burning of blessed palms from last year's Palm Sunday is to prepare ashes for Ash Wednesday. Bring in your old palms and place them in the basket in the vestibule's history room.
Ash Wednesday February 22 8:30am - 10:00am - 12:00pm - 6:30pm
Eat, Pray and Give: A Lenten Journey
Every Friday during lent starting February 24 Stations of the Cross at 6:30pm followed by a Simple Soup Dinner at 7:00 till 7:30pm in the small hall. Faith Formation and AYSAT will be sponsoring
Into the Breach Retreat - February 25 All men are invited to attend "Into the Breach" Retreat. This in-person Session begins at 8am in the small hall.
Annual School Dinner Auction: Casino Royale - February 25
“Walk for Life" January 21
Join the Assumption Parish Walk for Life group tomorrow, Saturday January 21st at11am. We will meet at Assumption Parish and carpool to the Bay Fair Bart station.Train leaves at 11:24am to Civic Center Station. Be sure to carry some water and a light snack.
Assumption Youth Social Action Team - January 22
AYSAT will meet at the Youth Ministry at 10:00am to make soup for April Showers. The soup will be delivered to the Boys and Girls Club where April Showers hosts programs. This Interfaith Homelessness Network of San Leandro was formed twenty years ago to increase public awareness of, to advocate for, and to provide services to the homeless.
Classes will be held from 11:15 until 12:15 at the Youth Ministry Center following our 10am Family Mass.
Children's Liturgy of the Word January 22
On Sundays at the 10am Family Mass, before the Scripture readings begin, children ages 4-12 are called forward, and sent with a blessing to the rectory for a Gospel lesson. They hear the same Scriptures that are proclaimed at Mass, but explained on a level that younger children can understand. The children return to their family in church after the Creed, as the Offertory and Liturgy of the Eucharist begins.
Book Faire January 24-29
The Scholastic Book Faire, which funds our school library, will be held in the small hall will be open after school and next Sunday from 9-2. Please help our school meet our goal and inspire a love of reading in all of children. Scholastic will give back a portion of the goal as rewards to our school when you shop.
Catholic Schools Week Open House - January 29
Next Sunday from 11:30 - 2 p.m. We invite you to share the good news of Assumption school to your friends, neighbors, and family.
The Assumption Conference of St. Vincent de Paul is very blessed and fortunate to have the wonderful parishioners of Assumption supporting it in so many ways. It is because of the prayers and contributions of parishioners that SVdP can reach out and serve those in our communities who are most in need. The overwhelming outpouring of food and personal items and gift cards made the holiday food distributions such a wonderful success.
Now, as we begin 2023, we see a significant uptick of requests for financial assistance with utility bills, rental assistance, food, gas cards, and other calls coming from our neighbors. Sadly, so many are still in the throes and woes of Covid. SVdP members listen, meet, and determine the best way to assist. Assumption Parishioners make this happen. January 28 and 29 is the 5th weekend of the month. A 5th Sunday collection will be taken up to assist the Conference. In so many ways, we hear the question of Jesus - when did we see you hungry, naked, lonely? In so many ways we answer - when we reach out to those most in need. All adult parishioners are invited to join this wonderful ministry!
Into The Breach January 14
All men are invited to attend "Into the Breach" Retreat. This in-person Session begins at 8am tomorrow in the small hall.
Last summer, Assumption Knights of Columbus Council 8217, launched a new resource to help men on their spiritual journeys. Through Into the Breach, the Knights of Columbus is seeking to offer Catholic men tools and opportunities to grow in their faith, pursue Christ-like virtue, and become better Catholics, husbands and fathers.
Join us tomorrow Saturday, January 14 at 8:00am in the small hall for the next session on "How to embrace suffering". You do not need to have attended the first few gatherings to be part of the group. Open your minds and hearts to Him, the Savior who strengthens you to step into the breach! Be a part of inspiring discussions while growing of faith thru learning, friendship and support. No need to rsvp.
Be a Trojan -- apply today!
Hello Trojans and future Trojans.
We are happy to announce to all our community and friends that our 2023-2024 online application is now available to you! If you have a NEW student interested in applying to Assumption School in grades TK through 7th grade (wait list for 8th grade), click here!
CYO Registration is Now Open
CYO Spring Registration is NOW open for Girls Basketball, Sand Volleyball, and Track and Field.
GIRLS BASKETBALL (grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8)
SAND VOLLEYBALL (grades 5, 6, 7, and 8)
TRACK & FIELD ( grades 3-8 may participate)
For information:
Please contact Nathaniel Fripp, CYO Director
Registration forms available online & at the Parish Office.
Epiphany of the Lord - Friday, January 6
Be a part of our First Friday Devotions this evening at 5:30pm for Eucharistic Adoration, Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Divine Mercy Chaplet followed by Mass at 6:30pm.
Church’s Liturgical Season of Christmas
The Church’s liturgical season of Christmas ends in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite with the movable feast of the Baptism of the Lord, which falls this Monday.
This Sunday, January 8 at 2pm we will be taking down our Christmas Season decorations. If you would like to help please join us in church this Sunday afternoon as we welcome the First Week in Ordinary Time.
Many hands make light work.
Our prayers are with you and your loved ones this New Year.
We ask you to please remember us and your
Assumption Community in your prayers as well. -Fr. John & the Parish Team
Friday, December 23
Saturday, December 24 -
Christmas Eve Eucharistic Adoration and Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3:00pm (no confession)
Children's Mass 4:30pm - All students are invited to sing in the choir at the Christmas Eve Children's Mass at 4:30pm. Even if you are in the pageant, you are still invited to sing. Our Assumption Youth Social Action Team (AYSAT), a part of the Parish Faith Formation Program, is leading a dramatization of the Birth of Jesus at this mass.
Evening Mass 8pm
Sunday, December 25 - The Birth of Our Lord, Christmas Day Masses: 8am, 10am, 12pm
Friday, December 30 Feast of The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Mass at 8:30am
Saturday, December 31 Eucharistic Adoration, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and Confession at 3:00
Sunday Vigil Mass at 4:30pm
Sunday, January 1 Mary, Mother of God Masses at 8:00am, 10:00am and 12:00pm
Assumption School presents an Advent and Christmas
Concert Wednesday, December 14, 2022 ~ click to watch::
The Wonder of Advent - Joseph Martin ~ All
The Happiest Time of the Year - Mary Donnelly ~ All
Sharing the Good News ~ TK
Do You Hear What I Hear? - Harry Simeone ~ Kindergarten
Sparkling Stars, Shining in the Night - Nancy Raabe ~ 1st Grade Noel,
Glory to God - Lynn Shaw Bailey ~ 2nd Grade
Sing of a Merry Christmas - Joseph Martin ~ 3rd Grade
The Nutcracker Dances - Tchaikovsky/Specacek ~ 4th Grade
Vamos Todos a Belén - Gary Parks ~ All
Listen to the Bells - Dave and Jean Perry ~ Children’s Choir
Angels O’er the Field Were Singing - Vicki Courtney ~ 5th Grade
It Must Be Christmas - Mark Hayes ~ 6th Grade
Calypso Gloria - Don Moore ~ 7th Grade
A Tongue Twister Holiday - Greg Gilpin ~ 7th Grade
Carol of the Bells - Peter Wilhousky ~ 8th Grade
septet The Holiday Tango! - Greg Gilpin ~ 8th Grade
Merry, Merry! - Mary Lynn Lightfoot ~ All
Join us and our Filipino Community in celebrating 9- day Novena Masses as we prepare ourselves and our Church for Christmas - which starts tomorrow evening December 15 and continues thru December 23 at 6:30pm every night. During mass, the Filipino Choir will fill the church with Filipino Christmas songs and carols. After every Mass, the faithful gather for food and fellowship.
We welcome your support and attendance at Simbang Gabi. Please invite your family and friends to all nine days. We pray that, this second annual Simbang Gabi novena masses at Church of the Assumption will be a memorable celebration of Christ’s birth.
Through Simbang Gabi, the Filipino community of Church of the Assumption aims to take the journey in reaching out to others through faith and tradition. Through working hands, willing hearts, and motivated minds, we hope to join our pastor Father John, our Bishop Michael, and Pope Francis have a Christ centered faith, having Mary, the blessed Mother as a role model of obedience to God’s will.
Fr. John Carillo will preside our SIMBANG GABI 6:30pm mass on 12/15 and 12/16
Fr. Carl Arcosa presiding 12/17
Fr. Ramon Gomez presiding 12/18
Fr. Jimmy Macalinao presiding 12/19
Fr. Gus Acob presiding 12/20
Fr. Ken Sales 12/21
Fr. Bart Bartolay presiding 12/22
Fr. John Carillo presiding 12/23
Blessing of the Indoor Nativity at all Masses Sunday, December 11
We invite everyone to bring your nativity set or baby Jesus into
Church for special blessing
8:00am Father Jude Siciliano, O.P. co-celebrating with Fr. John
Sister Patricia Bruno, O.P. preaching
10:00am Father Jude Siciliano, O.P. co-celebrating with Fr. John
Sister Patricia Bruno, O.P. preaching
12:00pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Feast Day Mass
Monsignor Anthony "Tony" Valdivia co-celebrating with Father John
- - -
Pancake Breakfast with Santa December 11
Breakfast starts at 8am in the gym
Santa photos are from 9am-12pm
$8 students and seniors $10 for adults
Includes Hot Chocolate Bar
Mimosas available for $5
$5 suggested donation for Santa Photos
Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe concludes Sunday, December 11
Sunday's novena will be at 6:30pm
Martin and Monica Franco will share their devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe and lead the rosary. After we pray, please join us un the Parish Rectory for dinner and fellowship.
Advent Retreat "Lighting the Way for Christ"
We are counting the days left to Christmas. There’s so much left to do: gift buying, family gatherings, meals to plan, trips to make, and still– – – Covid precautions!
With so much on our minds, we need to take some time for ourselves with space to think and pray about how we are and where we are going.
What we need is a retreat, but who has time to go off to a retreat house?
No need to go anywhere – – Assumption Parish is bringing the retreat to us. We call it: “ A Busy Person’s Retreat.“ Our retreat directors are Sister Patricia Bruno, O.P. and Father Jude Siciliano, O.P.
Thursday, December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, they will be at the 8:30 am at 6:30 pm Masses. They will also be visiting our school children during the day.
Friday, December 9:
830 a.m. Mass followed by a 9:15 scriptural prayer session.
6:30 pm a Light Service in our church
Saturday, December 10
8:30 am Mass followed by a retreat session 9:30-12 noon.
If you cannot make the morning Masses on Friday and Saturday you can join us for the prayer sessions afterwards.
Sister Patricia Bruno, O.P. and Father Jude Siciliano, O.P.
As nationally recognized preachers, they comprise the “Dominican Preaching Team” and have a direct hand in developing the next generation of gospel witnesses.
Patricia Bruno, OP, a member of the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael, is a well-known itinerant preacher, traveling throughout the year to provide parish retreats, justice and preaching workshops in New Zealand, Australia and the United States. Sister Patricia writes regularly sharing her insights into Scripture through her monthly newsletter, “Stories Seldom Heard.” She is the Promoter of Preaching for the Dominicans in the Western Region of the U.S. and has been a member of the board for the Academy of Preachers. Sister Patricia is involved in many justice issues, especially in the area of economic justice and nonviolence.
Jude Siciliano, OP, lives in a Dominican Community in Irving, Texas and is Promoter of Preaching for the Southern Dominican Province, USA. He has been a preacher since his ordination in 1969. For fourteen years he taught Homiletics at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, Ca. and is past president of the Catholic Association of Teachers of Homiletics. He was a volunteer chaplain at San Quentin Prison and a member of North Carolina’s "People of Faith Against the Death Penalty." He also travels throughout the country giving preaching workshops to ordained and lay preachers and writes weekly email reflections on the Sunday scriptures for preachers and laity interested in preparing for Sunday worship.
Sunday, November 27 - 1st Sunday of Advent
Blessings of Advent Wreath and Candles Masses at 8:00am, 10:00am and 12:00pm
Thursday, December 1 - Women's Advent by Candlelight 7:00pm
Friday, December 2 - St. Nick's Boutique
Saturday, December 3-11 Novena for Our Lady of Guadalupe 6:30pm every evening except 12/8-12/9 & 12/11 at 5:30pm
Sunday, December 4 - 2nd Sunday of Advent Blessing and Lighting of the Tree & Christmas Caroling 5:00pm
Thursday, December 8 - The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (HDO) Masses at 8:30am and 6:30pm
Advent Retreat for School Children in Classrooms: Sister Patricia Bruno, O.P and Father Jude Siciliano, O.P
Light before us, Light behind us, Light under our feet .Light within us, Light over us, let all around us be light
Friday, December 9 Advent Retreat: “Lighting the Way for Christ.”
Sister Patricia Bruno, O.P and Father Jude Siciliano, O.P
Morning Reflection at 9:15am, following 8:30am mass and refreshments
Evening Prayer Service 6:30pm Procession of children with nativity scenes
Saturday, December 10 Advent Retreat: "Lighting the Way for Christ"
9:00am - 12:00pm
Blessing of the Nativity Scene indoor and outdoor 5:30pm
Gingerbread Social for All Families 1:00pm-4:00pm(note new time)
Sunday, December 11 - 3rd Sunday of Advent
Pancake Breakfast with Santa Claus 8:00am-12:00pm
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe & Celebration 12:00pm Mass - Reception at 1pm
Wednesday, December 14 - School Christmas Concert at 6:30pm
December 15-23 - Simbáng Gabi 6:30pm Mass Followed by Fellowship and Food
Sunday, December 18 - 4th Sunday of Advent Masses at 8am, 10am, 12pm
Thursday, December 22 - School Christmas Pageant 10:00am
Eighth Grade Victorian Tea
Saturday, December 24 - Christmas Eve Children's Mass 4:30pm & Evening Mass 8pm
Sunday, December 25 - The Birth of Our Lord, Christmas Masses at 8am, 10am, 12pm
Giving Tree
Let us continue our Giving Tree tradition! Two decorated Advent Trees are in the back of our church. We will support the children and teens of Calico. Please take a colored gift tag, purchase the gift or gift card, and place the unwrapped gift with the colored tag under the Advent Tree. The gifts may also be returned to the Parish office Monday through Friday. Unwrapped gifts must be brought in by December 11th. CALICO is the Child Abuse, Listening, Interviewing, and Coordination Center here in San Leandro.
Assumption’s Annual Women’s Advent by Candlelight
Thursday December 1 at 7pm.
Come for a solemn and reflective evening of song and prayer hosted by Assumption’s Cursillo Community. Followed by fellowship hosted by Assumption School's PTG in the Small Hall. Please come, and bring along your daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts, neighbors and women friends for a special evening.
Advent Retreat: “Lighting the Way for Christ" Weekend of December 9-11
Presented by Sister Patricia Bruno, O.P and Father Jude Siciliano, O.P.
Friday Morning Reflection at 9:15am.
Friday Evening Prayer Service at 6:30pm with procession of children with nativity scenes. Saturday Morning 9:00am - 12:00pm
Gingerbread House Social December 10 at 1:00-4:00pm The Assumption Dads Club is hosting their annual Gingerbread House Social . The Assumption Community is invited to enjoy complimentary hot cocoa, cider and cookies as the children decorate their gingerbread houses. RSVP by 11/30 to rectory, to get accurate count of kits needed.
Santa's Coming to Assumption December 11 Join us from 8am-12pm for Pancake Breakfast
Knights of Columbus Assumption Council 8217 Support K of C "A Knight Before Christmas" fundraising raffle for the new sound system in the church. Tickets are $20.00 each.
This week's flocknote for week of november11
Last week's flocknote
Thanksgiving Day Masses – 8:30am and 10:00am
Inviting parishioners to bring bread and a bottle of wine or sparkling grape juice that you will later share with family and friends for a special blessing.
Knights of Columbus Assumption Council 8217
Support K of C "A Knight Before Christmas" fundraising raffle for the new sound system in the church. Tickets are $20.00 each.
Assumption’s Annual Women’s Advent by Candlelight
Thursday December 1 at 7pm.We are looking forward to ushering in the Advent Season with our prayer service in the Church this year. Come for a solemn and reflective evening of song and prayer hosted by Assumption’s Cursillo Community. Followed by fellowship hosted by Assumption School's PTG in the Small Hall. Please come, and bring along your daughters, mothers, sisters, aunts, neighbors and women friends for a special evening.
Advent Retreat: “Lighting the Way for Christ"
Weekend of December 9-11
Presented by Sister Patricia Bruno, O.P and Father Jude Siciliano, O.P. F
riday Morning Reflection at 9:15am.
Friday Evening Prayer Service at 6:30pm with procession of children with nativity scenes.
Saturday Morning 9:00am - 12:00pm
Gingerbread House Social
December 10 at 1:00-4:00pm
The Assumption Dads Club is hosting their annual Gingerbread House Social . The Assumption Community is invited to enjoy complimentary hot cocoa, cider and cookies as the children decorate their gingerbread houses. RSVP by 11/30 to rectory, to get accurate count of kits needed.
Santa's Coming to Assumption
December 11 Join us from 9am-12pm for
Pancake Breakfast
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe & Celebration
December 11 12:00pm Mass - Reception at 1pm (Novena 12/3 -12/11)
Simbáng Gabi
December 15-23 6:30pm Mass Followed by Fellowship and Food
November Devotion: The Holy Souls
There is a special Offertory Altar for the month of November. You are welcomed to bring in a small framed photograph of your departed loved ones. Memorial Candles are being sold for $10. Donations will help fund Faith Formation programs, including Children's Liturgy of the Word and the Children's Choir!
There is a Book of Remembrance that is available in the front of the ambo for family members to write names of loved ones. This book will stay in place for the month to honor the lives of our loved ones' who have gone before us to live in the light of the Lord.
Remembrance envelopes are also available in the church. You may write the names of your deceased loved ones on the envelopes. These envelopes will be placed on the altar for the entire month of November.
St. Vincent de Paul Thanksgiving Food Drive Assumption SVdP Conference has begun its annual food drive. Please leave donations in the history room.
Get Ready for St. Nick’s Boutique 2022! This event celebrates the spirit of giving by raising funds for Davis Street Preschool Hot Breakfast Program & Building Futures. Support St. Nick's in 2022 by participating in the following two ways:“Spirit of Giving” Virtual Mini-Auction, Friday, November 23 - Thursday, December 1 and St. Nick’s Boutique Shop-A-Ganza, Friday, December 2 Donations are now being accepted. For more info, please contact Allison Pretto: [email protected], Phuong Hathaway: [email protected], Erica Marr: [email protected] Knights of Columbus
Don't forget to purchase your raffle tickets and enter to win cash prizes! Proceeds will help fund the new sound system at Church.
Faith Formation Programs have begun. IT IS NOT TO LATE TO SIGN UP!
If you haven’t yet registered there is still time. You don’t want to miss out on this opportunity. There is a special Reconciliation and Eucharist Sacrament Class for older children being offered, as well.
Registration for all ages Faith Formation 2022/2023:
We offer programs for Elementary, Middle School (AYSAT), High School and Adults. As children grow, they come to know God in new and exciting ways. Faith Formation Programs here at Church of Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary encourage, instruct, and engage children in the learning process.
This formation process continues throughout adulthood. Our spiritual journey is meant to be lifelong, and we encourage this through RCIA classes, upcoming retreats & discussions.
Register online through the parish website. Any questions, please call the office at 510-352-1537. Feel free to share with friends and neighbors.
October is Rosary Month - 31 day Rosary Challenge
We invite you to pray the Most Holy Rosary for the entire month of October. We have added a special 6:30pm time to come together to pray as a family. Come join us at church at 6:30pm every evening, or immediately after the 8:30am morning mass, or in your own special quiet place.
We encourage everyone to join the challenge. Let's follow the Blessed Mother's wishes to pray the Rosary. Mary's love for us and our love for her is all about God. The month of October that love is focused on the Holy Rosary. Through the Holy Rosary, we meditate on God’s Word. The Gospel becomes imbedded in our hearts, and Mary holds our hand to Jesus Christ. May we grow in our respect for the gift and Gospel of Life and during this month pray together the family rosary.
High School Confirmation
October 1
Registration for 2022-2023 Confirmation has started. All sophomores who have been baptized and have a desire to be fully initiated into the Catholic community are invited to prepare for and receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Juniors and seniors who are not yet confirmed are also welcome to enroll.
While teens in our community attend various high school, Assumptions Confirmation program provides a place for them to come together and to learn, to share, and to build a faith community. Teens who would like to prepare for Confirmation at Assumption participate in an intensive preparation completed in one year shall register now online...
Feast of St. Francis of Assisi: Blessing of the Animals
October 2
The Feast of St. Francis of Assisi commemorates the life of St. Francis. This year, our Blessing of the Animals will be held Sunday October 2 at 1:15pm Mary Seese Plaza. Join us for the Blessing of the Animals. Pets must be on a leash, in carriers or cages.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
october 2
Finally, after COVID hiatus, Children's Liturgy of the Word returns to Assumption!! Adult Volunteers for the program are always welcomed - - contact the office if interested in assisting.
On Sundays at the 10am Family Mass, before the Scripture readings begin, children ages 4-12 are called forward, and sent with a blessing to the rectory for a Gospel lesson. They hear the same Scriptures that are proclaimed at Mass, but explained on a level that younger children can understand. The children return to their family in church after the Creed, as the Offertory and Liturgy of the Eucharist begins.
The children will have their own special 'My Coins Count' offertory beginning Sunday. We want to help the children connect the giving of money in the “collection” with the gifts that they have in their own lives. We want to teach our children how we offer ourselves and all that we have to God.
An offering to Jesus can be:
• prayers
• money (perhaps a part of their allowances)
• promise to do your chores at home (give up their time)
• Share their toys
• Be loving toward their parents and family
On a slip of paper the children can write one thing they will offer to Jesus or bring their coins and place in the offertory basket
Never doubt that God can multiply the smallest act of love -John 6:1-15
Our Lady of Guadalupe Ministry Meeting
October 4
Join us on Tuesday October 4th at 7:00 pm in the rectory, if you are interested in becoming part of this ministry. Together we can plan for this year's celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe's Feast Day and explore other ways of increasing our faith in our blessed mother. All are welcome! Build your own tostada. Come join in faith and fellowship.
Cursillo Weekend Retreat
Men’s Weekend: October 20-23
Women’s Weekend October 27-30
Is your heart on fire for Christ? Is it filled with the Holy Spirit or like a candle in the wind, flickering and barely alive? If you want to experience what the disciples felt on the day of Pentecost, then give yourself the gift of a Cursillo and light your heart on fire!Making a Cursillo weekend is a great way to deepen your relationship with Christ. A Cursillo weekend is three days long, and its impact can last a lifetime. Endorsed by the Oakland Diocese. Got questions - Contact Jennie
Adult Faith Formation: Study Sessions
Presence - The Mystery of the Eucharist
Thursdays Oct 20, 27, and November 3
We begin our new Adult Faith Formation program entitled “Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist”. This is a visually beautiful and spiritually inspiring exploration of the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. These sessions have been carefully designed to help participants discover the powerful way that God is present to us in the Eucharist, inviting us into an intimate union with himself. We will examine the effects of the sacrament and its setting in the Mass, explore the scriptural foundation of the sacrament, and discover the beauty of Holy Communion and the transformative power of the grace God offers us in this sacrament.
We are offering a 3 week sessions in-person at the rectory:
Thursdays October 20, 27 and Nov. 3 9:30 am to 11 am Morning Sessions
or from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm if you prefer Evening Sessions Study guides will be available for $10 at the first session.
Into the Breach
September 24
All men are invited to attend "Into the Breach" on Saturday September 24. This in-person retreat will be held starting at 9am in the small hall. Open your minds and hearts to Him, the Savior who strengthens you to step into the breach! Be a part pf inspiring discussions while growing of faith thru learning, friendship and support.
all men are invited to attend the "into the breach" retreat on August 20, 2022
8am coffee and 8:15 mass
After mass we’ll have bagels and watch the into the bridge video in the small hall
9:30 Video discussion and group reflections
10:30-11 Am closing prayers and blessings
for more info contact Martin Franco at martin[email protected]
how to join Knights Of Columbus
Knights of Columbus: A worldwide ministry with efforts to enhance and further the Catholic Church, its programs and its facilities. It is a social, fraternal, religious, service organization for all practical Catholic men of our Parish who are in union with the Holy See and who are at least 18 years of age.
Contact: Martin franco
Church Clean Up Day July 30
Many Hands Needed For Church Cleaning Day July 30 In preparation for the celebrations surrounding the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary there will be a Church cleanup-up on Saturday, July 30th. Volunteers are needed to do light housekeeping in the church from 10:00am to 12:00pm. Bring the children, as small hands can reach tight spots! Share your vigor and time with our community. Pizza will be served at noon at the Mary Seese Plaza. Donations gladly accepted for "Clean-up Bucket" supplies“. Sign-up sheets are in the back of the church or call the office .
Assumption St. Vincent de Paul Food and Toiletries Drive July 16-17, July 23-24
Our pantry is running low on several food items such as: beans, tuna and canned meats, pastas & sauce, peanut butter & jelly, canned fruits, soups and vegetables. We also need toiletries for those who call and for the unhoused. Please leave your food donations in the history room at the entrance to the Church.
Back-to- School Backpack Drive August 6 at 10am
On Saturday August 6 we will create an assembly line at the Youth Ministry. The plan is to fill donated backpacks with donated school supplies. This is in support of Connecting for Education & Davis Street here in San Leandro. Donations can be dropped off in the History Room in the back of the church and at the rectory. The goal is to fill 71 backpacks in honor of our 71 years here in San Leandro.
Feast Of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Save the date: August 14
Feast Of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be celebrated Sunday, August 14. go to homepage for complete details. Come join the fun on Assumption Family Day
Assumption Faith Camp Monumental: Celebrating God’s Greatness
August 8 -12 8:45am-12:00pm Registration is still open. The Summer Faith Camp program is for school age children through fifth grade. Middle schoolers and high schoolers will be counselors. All adult volunteers will receive complimentary admission to camp for their children. School parent volunteers will receive credit for school service hours. To sign up: churchoftheassumption
Adult Faith Formation: Forgiven - The Transforming Power of Confession
The Adult Faith Formation Groups will begin a 5- week, in-person video based study through Classes will meet Thursdays in July. Study guides will be available for $10 at the first session. Forgiven is a beautiful presentation of the transforming power of Confession. This study explores the grace and healing offered in Confession and shows how this sacrament of mercy reveals the depth and bounty of God's love. By looking at God's revelation of his mercy in Scripture and making a step-by-step examination of the Rite itself, Forgiven communicates God's invitation to each one of us to come experience his indescribable love in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
We are offering both morning and evening in-person sessions: Thursdays July 7, 14, 21, and 28 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm OR for Fridays July 8, 15, 22, and 29 from 9 am to 11 am.. To register contact the office at 352-1537. Sign up now!
Volunteer Opportunities
"Love and charity, are service, helping others, serving others. There are many people who spend their lives in this way, in the service of others. … When you forget yourself and think of others, this is love! And with the washing of the feet the Lord teaches us to be servants, and above all, servants as He was a servant to us, for every one of us." -- Pope Francis
We need you! We are blessed to have a large Faith Formation program here at our Church. The success of our program is completely dependent on the gracious service of our parishioners. There are many opportunities for you to share your gifts. Below is a list of volunteer roles for your prayerful consideration. To sign up call Kelly at (510) 352-1537.
Become a RCIA Team Member As a part time RCIA Team member, you would join us for the RCIA process, ministering to each stage as you feel called. You might prefer to help catechize the catechumenate where others might feel more called to help the newly inquiring with simply learning more about the Catholic Faith, while others might desire to help accompany new members deeper into the faith and parish life. RCIA is from September thru April.
Become a Confirmation Team Member You can select from a wide variety of leadership positions based on your interests and availability for the 2022-2023 Confirmation year. Volunteers must be able to commit to two Sunday afternoons a month. from September to May. Positions available are Confirmation Leader, Mentor, Class Aide, Retreat Aide-(spring date tbd). Volunteers must be able to commit to two Sunday afternoons a month from September to May.
The Saints May 24 at 6:00pm
The Saints - A Talk by Meg Hunter-Kilmer
We invite you to join our Young Adult Gathering on Tuesday, May 24 at 6:00pm. YAG is hosting this complimentary guest speaker event which is open to all. RSVP for event on Eventbrite.
Meg Hunter-Kilmer is a cradle Catholic and a revert, brought back to the fold by a grace-filled confession and the supreme logic of Catholic doctrine. Meg has a Bachelor’s in Theology and a Master’s in Systematic Theology, both from Notre Dame. After 5 years as a full-time religion teacher, Meg quit her job and packed everything into the trunk of her car to drive around the country and fly around the world as a hobo missionary. Read more...
6:00 - 6:30 PM: Adoration with Benediction in Parish
6:30 - 7:00 PM: Hospitality in School Gym
7:00 PM: The Saints by Meg Hunter-Kilmer in Gym
Advertisers Needed ASAP Build Your Business Within our Assumption Community
We are transitioning to a new Bulletin publisher - Liturgical Publications Inc (LPi). We would like to thank our Preferred Business Sponsors who advertised with J.S. Paluch Company for many years, especially: Louis Heystek, Compass Real Estate, Doug Taylor D.P.M. Podiatric Physician & Surgeon Marie Galvan, Galvan's Travel. These ads truly help support our Church and give us the weekly bulletin for free. For those interested in placing a new ad for your business, favorite charity or in memory of a loved one, this is your opportunity.
We are currently looking for advertising sponsors on our weekly church bulletin. If you, or someone you know, is interested in advertising please contact Kelly Hodgins ASAP. You can reach Kelly at (510) 352-1537. A strong and vibrant Bulletin is good for our community and a strong business community is good for our Church. Thanks for considerings to sponsor our bulletin!
Summer Faith Camp Monumental - Celebrating God’s Greatness August 8 -12
Summer Faith Camp could not happen without the dedication of enthusiastic, faith-filled Adult Volunteers. Thank you for considering to offer your help. We have many volunteer areas and we know there is something just right for YOU! This years theme is Monumental - Celebrating God’s Greatness. You can help on the weekend if you aren't available during the actual program. Contact Mary Some of the positions that are available:
The Summer Faith Camp program will be for school age children through fifth grade. Middle schoolers and high schoolers will be CIT and counselors. Registration opening soon.We need your help in order to make this happen. All adult volunteers will get complimentary admission to camp for your children. School parent volunteers will receive credit for school service hours. Contact Mary to volunteer. SOME OF THE POSITIONS THAT ARE AVAILABLE: DRAMA HELPER GAMES HELPER PHOTOGRAPHER SNACK HELPER MUSIC SUNDAY SET-UP CREW FRIDAY CLEAN-UP CREW ASSISTANT TEACHER
Happy Mother's Day to ALL the Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts, Sisters, Cousins and Godmothers
A Mother's Day Blessing
Loving God,
as a mother gives life and nourishment to her children, so you give life and care for your Church. Bless these women, as we celebrate this day in their honor. May they be strengthened as Christian mothers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honor and appreciate them with a spirit of Profound respect.
May the example of Mary, mother of Jesus, inspire them to live their vocation as Christian mothers and call their children to faith. Guide and protect them in challenging times and help them to continue to trust in you all the days of their life.
Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Mr. D's Sports Zone June 13 until July 29
Mr. D's Sports Zone, sponsored by Assumption Parish, is back! Click here to learn about our own Mr. D's Sports Zone Summer Sports Program starting June 13 until July 29 at the Assumption Campus.
Mr. D’s Sports Zone will stay compliant with all Covid -19 and variants with State, Local, and CDC
guidelines. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for children K-7 to enjoy sports and other
activities while doing our part to flatten the curve. Our campers and their families' safety are
our top priority and we hope to provide a safe space where kids can still be active during this
difficult time for us all!
Print the registration form and contact Mr. D at [email protected]
A Divine Mercy Sunday celebration will be held today, April 24, at 3:00p.m. This precedes the Divine Mercy Novena, which began on Good Friday.
Easter Sunday April 17th
8:00am - Mass
10:00am - Children's Choir
(Easter Egg Hunt & Special Guest after mass)
12:00pm - Mass
3:00pm Divine Mercy Novena
“Come, I will give you Rest”
Parish Lenten Retreat, April 1 and 2:
Take time off from your busy schedule and rest with Lord. Come and be part of our Parish Lenten Retreat and with God who invites us to a deeper relationship with God.
Friday, April 1
3:00pm - Holy Hour and First Friday Devotion
. 6:00pm - Stations of the Cross
6:30pm - Social at Mary Seese Plaza Praise and Worship Night with Fr. Luke, Brother John, and Brother Raphael (Brothers of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal). Confessions will be available throughout the evening
7:00pm - Welcome & Opening Prayer
7:10pm - Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
7:15pm - Testimonials on their own personal encounters with Christ
7:45pm - Adoration with Music 8:15pm - Testimonials on their own personal encounters with Christ
8:45pm - Eucharistic Procession asking for Healing and Benediction Saturday,
April 2
8:15am - Morning Mass
8:50am - Anointing of the Sick
9:00am - Social at Mary Seese Plaza *
9:30am - Session 1: Praying Lent with Sr. Patricia Bruno, OP
10:30am - Break / Snack
10:50am - Session 2: Deepen Your Relationship with God with Fr. Kevin Schindler-McGraw, OFM 11:45am - Break / Snack
12:05pm - Session 3: Celebrate God’s Forgiveness with Fr. Jim Sullivan
1:15pm - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
3:00pm - Divine Mercy Chaplet and Confession
3:30pm - Benediction and Eucharistic Blessing 4:30pm - Saturday Vigil Mass
8:00AM, 10:00AM, 12:00PM MASS
8:15AM MORNING prayer
8:00AM, 10:00AM, 12:00 PM MASS
Sesquicentennial Celebration March 20
Assumption Community will celebrate City of San Leandro's Sesquicentennial this Sunday after 8:00am and 10:00am masses. Join us for the 150th Birthday Party and enjoy fellowship, donuts and beverages.
San Leandro gets its name from Estudillo's Rancho San Leandro, which in turn took its name from El Rodeo de San Leandro, Mission San José's cattle round up area , named for Saint Leander, a sixth-century Spanish bishop.
Saint Leander, pray for us that we will always seek truth, and never shy away from defending it. In Christ’s Name, we pray. Amen
You're invited to our last in person listening session this evening, March 8, at our church!
Pope Francis has called a synod on synodality, a two-year process where the People of God (that means you!) are being invited to reflect on what it means to journey forward together as a Church.
You're being asked to participate because you are a valuable member of our Church! In this intentional process of mutual listening, Pope Francis wants us to rediscover the joy of being the People of God who journeys together, listening to everyone.
We warmly welcome you to join us for an in-person listening session at our church where, guided by the Holy Spirit, we will reflect, share, and listen to one another.
Our Last in person Listening Session is tonight at 7:00pm in the church.
If you haven't yet participated, your voice is needed for the 2021 2023 Synod on Synodality!
Guiding Questions for our Listening Session:
"The mission of the Church requires the entire People of God to be on a journey together, with each member playing his or her crucial role, united with each other."
(Vademucum 1.2)
With this in mind, we will consider these fundamental questions:
How does this “journeying together” take place today on different levels (from the local level to the universal one), allowing the Church to proclaim the Gospel?
What steps is the Spirit inviting us to take in order to grow as a synodal Church?
Assumption's Annual St. Patrick's Day Dinner March 13 at 4:30pm in the gym
Traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage
To purchase tickets click here
There will be no door sales
Alpha Young Adults: Join the Conversation
Is there more to life than this?
An opportunity for young adults (20 - 39 years old) to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, nonthreatening setting. It’s low-key, friendly, and fun! Alpha is open to all young adults and is free – including delicious meals. We don’t assume any background knowledge of or belief in Christianity. Everyone is welcome. No pressure, no follow up and no charge. Got Questions? Let Alpha Answer Them on Tuesday evenings starting March 1 at 6:30pm. Join us at the rectory. No need to RSVP- just show up and check it out! Contact Mary or Jim (510) 352-1537.
Ash Wednesday Schedule: March 2, 2022
8:15 am School Mass with Distribution of Ashes
10:00 am Liturgy of the Word (no Communion) with Distribution of Ashes
12:00 pm Mass with Distribution of Ashes
6:30 pm Mass with Distribution of Ashes
Stations of the Cross
We will pray the Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent including every day during Holy Week until Good Friday. The Way of the Cross, also known as the Stations of the Cross, are a way to pray and meditate on Christ's sacrifice for us. It is divided into fourteen stations from the time He was condemned to his burial.
March 4 at 5:00pm – March 11 at 6:30pm – March 18 at 6:30pm – March 25 at 6:30pm – April 1 at 5:00pm – April 8 at 6:30pm – April 15 at 12:00pm
Let us journey together: Synod Listening Session
The parish will have two listening sessions:
• Sunday, March 6 at 9:15am in the small hall
• Tuesday, March 8 at 7:00 pm in the church
Listening Session Questions
1. How is “journeying together” happening in your local church or group, in carrying out the Church’s mission?
2. What are the joys in carrying out journeying together? What helps or hinders us in this?
3. What new paths is the Holy Spirit leading us to discern to grow in our journey together?
4. How is the Holy Spirit inviting us to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ in today’s world?
In responding to these questions, it is helpful to remember that “journeying together” occurs in two deeply interconnected ways. First, we journey together with one another as the People of God. Next, we journey together as the People of God with the entire human family. These two perspectives enrich one another and are helpful for our common discernment towards deeper communion and more fruitful mission.
Draw closer to Jesus this Lent: Zoom Lenten Bible Study
Come and join the Biblical Walk Through the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ based on the book No Greater Love by Edward Sri. It is more than a Bible Study. It is a biblical pilgrimage that reveals Christ’s amazing love for us.
Wednesdays of Lent beginning March 9 at 7:00pm online for 5 consecutive weeks. Registration Forms available in the Church Vestibule and office. Email Deacon Noe to get zoom [email protected]
The journey consists of 5 sessions, 1 hour and 30 minutes per session:
Session 1: Jesus in Gethsemane - the prayer and the agony
Session 2: Jesus’ arrest and trial before the Sanhedrin - “Are you the Christ?”
Session 3: The trial before Pilate - Jesus is condemned to death
Session 4: The death of the Messiah--Jesus carries His cross, is crucified, and dies
Session 5: The seven last words - what Calvary teaches us
Save The Date: March 13 Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner
California Bishops Commit to Working for Better Futures
for California’s Women, Children, and Families
The approaching 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade comes at a historic moment. The nation stands on the precipice of potentially overturning Roe v. Wade. At the same time, the Governor and state legislators have issued calls to make California a “sanctuary” destination for women seeking abortions from in and out of state.
However, asking to increase the number of abortions in California completely misses a vital, life-affirming point. California is already uniquely situated to respond actively to the needs of women, children, and families. Over the years, the California Catholic Conference has supported the state’s dynamic efforts to build programs for our most vulnerable populations, lifting families out of poverty and affirming the inherent dignity of each person.
Furthermore, the Catholic Church is the largest provider of private social services in California. We serve millions of the most at-risk families through our Catholic Charities and diocesan ministries, our Catholic hospitals and healthcare systems, and our Catholic schools and parishes.
With Pope Francis, we believe that abortion attacks the “sacredness of human life, ” and that “it is not ‘progressive’ to try to resolve problems by eliminating a human life. ” At this pivotal moment, we, the Bishops of the Dioceses of California, commit to a vision for our state that honors women with life affirming support and practical resources so that all families can thrive, and so that no woman feels trapped into the devastating decision to end a life by abortion.
WE ENVISION A California that proclaims the inherent dignity of every woman, man, and child, born and unborn, and promotes the common good and human flourishing of all people. A California that prioritizes the wellbeing of women, children, and families not only with material resources but accompanied in solidarity. A California that celebrates with all mothers and fathers the tremendous gift of each child and affirms and empowers families welcoming children by birth, adoption, or fostering.
WE RESOLVE To commit to our sisters that we, the Catholic community of California, will be by your side as you walk the journey of motherhood. To raise awareness of the abundant life-affirming safety net resources available to women, children, and families in California through faith-based, community, and public agencies, including food, housing, healthcare, mental healthcare, intimate partner violence intervention, paid leave, childcare, education, employment, economic and material assistance. To unite our state’s life-affirming pregnancy shelters, centers, and clinics, creating an accessible statewide network to accompany women facing challenging pregnancies and in the early years of parenthood. To advocate for transformative family policies, including increased access to affordable housing, prioritization of homeless pregnant and parenting women, expanded paid leave for families, dignified care for incarcerated pregnant and parenting women, and streamlined processes for families fostering and adopting infants and children. To empower our Catholic community to accompany the most vulnerable women, children, and families in our state, proclaiming the dignity of every human life through word and action.
Inspired by the love of the Triune God mirrored in the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and animated by the ministry of Jesus to comfort, provide, heal and restore, we dedicate ourselves to this cause.
updates and Reminders from the Diocese of Oakland Office of Worship
Attendance at Mass
Please be aware that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass does not apply to those who are ill, especially those who suffer from contagious disease. Long before this pandemic, the Church has always recognized that there are “serious” or “grave” reasons that prevent Catholics from attending Mass. For example, if a person is sick or homebound, or living/visiting areas of the world where access to the Mass is limited, or a situation arises that prevents travel (snowstorm or flat tire), such persons would not be bound by the obligation.
In the case of this pandemic, serious or grave reasons would include: Anyone who is sick, symptomatic, or has been recently exposed to the coronavirus. Protecting the health of others is an act of Christian charity and our moral duty to one another. Anyone with significant health risk factors that requires them to avoid public spaces, or if you care for someone with significant risk factors. Anyone who cannot attend Mass through no fault of their own, for example, a parent caring for a sick child, or if the priest is sick.
As always, you are reminded to use common good sense in the reception of Holy Communion during the annual cold and flu season as well.
Reception of Communion It is strongly encouraged that the faithful receive Communion in the hand, however provision should be made so that anyone who wishes to receive on the tongue may do so, from a priest. It the priest does not feel comfortable with this, he may delegate to another, trained minister. The distribution of the Precious Blood is still not authorized.
General Precautions Wearing masks and social distancing remain two of the most effective means of preventing and spreading disease. At this time, there is no government restriction on capacity for indoor service, but social distancing and adequate ventilation are still required. The Sign of Peace should still be exchanged without physical contact.
Assumption School Open House & Tours for Prospective Families
Assumption School welcomes prospective families to RSVP for our Annual in person Open House on January 30, 2022. Due to the current surge we have decided to limit the Sunday Open House to prospective families ONLY by appointment and limit the amount of people on campus and the exposure of our community to the public. We ask that current families NOT attend the January 30 Open House. Our current families will have a private event during Catholic Schools Week and our January 30 event will be for prospective families by reservation only Sign up today Assumption Catholic School Open House & Tours We have a link on our website to reserve a time on January 30 starting at 12:30 p.m. until 1:45 p.m. (510) 357-8772
We are currently accepting applications for all grades. Our early bird discount and the deadline for TK and K applications is February 4.
Celebrate Catholic Schools Week - January 30-February 5, 2022
"Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service.”
Catholic Schools week kicks off at mass today, Sunday, January 30 at 10am. The Class of 2022 will be presented, which is a long tradition here at Assumption. Blessings on our Eighth Graders as they receive their medallions and look proudly to their future. The rest of the student body and their families will log into Facebook and attend the virtual 10 a.m. Mass from home.
Social Justice Reflections at Wednesday Mass call us to
be like the Good Samaritan This month
we celebrated the life of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who believed that we should all be judged by the quality of our life. At last weeek's Social Justice Liturgy at 8:15 a.m., five students shared their reflections after the Gospel with our parish and school community.
QUESTION: What are the positive qualities in your life by which you would like to be judged?
I would like to be judged by my kindness; how I treat others when they are in need; how everyone should be judged. Jesus said treat your neighbor as you would treat yourself. I believe that we all should perpetuate the kindness that Jesus wanted -- that we respect all God's creatures and hold ourselves and each other accountable when we miss a step. I think we should try to live the way Jesus wanted us to live: selfless, kind, and trustworthy. People can trust me to help and that I treat others with the utmost respect. To make sure I'm standing up for the people I care about, that is the way I would like to be judged -- by the way I spread the kindness of Jesus and the Lord our God, that I am making sure I hold myself to that standard every day, either its at home, school, anywhere else the world. I think everyone should do that because that is what Jesus would want us to treat each other. I hope everyone can take something from Martin Luther King Jr. That's all he wanted: to be treated equally, because we are all God's children. I hope we can remember that and hold ourselves to a higher standard, as Christians but also as Catholics, I hope we can remember that through all the hate and the prejudice, that we all have value and are all equal in God's eyes. -- Cameron G., 7th Grade
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. says that we should be judged by the positive qualities in our lives. In today’s Gospel, we hear about the Good Samaritan, who helped the wounded traveler, unlike the other people who walked by. Some positive qualities to describe the Good Samaritan would be caring, or kind to others. I think that we should be judged by the parts of us that define us as people, rather than things that are out of our control, such as skin color or race. Those attributes don’t determine who someone is as a whole. It is only skimming the surface of who someone really is. Someone may be a very kind and compassionate person, but someone else might think that they would be condescending and rude just because they aren’t the same race as them. In Martin Luther King Jr.’s time, he was always judged by other people because he had a darker skin tone. People who had lighter skin had more privileges than those who had darker skin. Now, in a more modern era, people are judged by their annual income, or where they live. I think that people should understand others more before making a conclusion about who they are. This way, people can enjoy each other more and become closer with each other. -- Terrance H., 7th Grade
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. believed that we should be judged by the quality of our life. To me, that means your values: if you would help someone up if they fell down, or if you’d take the other path to avoid them. This is like in the Gospel, when Jesus tells us the parable of the Good Samaritan, in which, only one, out of all three people helped the traveler. The Samaritan went out of his way to care for the traveler, cleaning his wounds and bringing him to an inn. It is often hard to be like the Samaritan, going out of your way to help someone. However, I try my best to be like the Samaritan, in caring for others. When I see someone sitting by themselves, I go sit with them. If I can tell someone is feeling down, I go see if they want to talk. If a friend is struggling to carry something, I can grab one of their things from them to lighten the load. These are small things, but it goes a long way when you help someone out. I would like to be judged on my willingness to help others and the empathy I show to my family and friends. I would like to be judged on my creative mind and any funny aspects that I may have. If everyone was seen by their personalities or as Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. said, “the content of your character.”, the world would be a better place. As a society, we need to look past simple prejudices, to the person inside them. We need accept people for who they are. -- Rachel H., 7th Grade
The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. believed that we should all be judged by the quality of our life. To me, I feel like we should be judged not by the color of our skin, how we look, or our social status but instead be judged by how we help our community and by our morals. I would like to be judged by my willingness to help others when they are feeling down or when they are being mistreated by a fellow classmate. I would also like to be judged by my morals. In the gospel today, Jesus talks about a good Samaritan helping a man who was robbed, beaten, and near to death. Instead of ignoring the man, the Samaritan decided to help the man. We could all act in this way by helping a classmate when they are hurt physically or emotionally. If they are hurt physically, we can help them by asking a teacher for help or giving them the assistance they need. If they are hurt by a classmate who said something, we can stand up for them and comfort them until they feel safe again. By having a good moral, we can earn each other's trust and make them feel safe as they will trust you will always be there. In the Child of Peace music we sing today, there are some lines that we should live by. There is a line that says “Where there is hatred let me bring love.” This shows we shouldn’t hate others just because of their skin color, looks, or how wealthy they may be but instead show love to others by doing kind gestures and earning their trust. It also says “Where there is darkness let me bring light.” Instead of living in the dark by judging others based on their looks or class, we should go into the light and learn more about others before we judge others. The gospel, reading, and the music greatly show how we shouldn’t judge others on their appearance but rather their moral and behavior. We should indeed be children of peace. -- Jihae H., 7th Grade
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said that we should be judged by the quality of our lives. A positive quality I’d like to be judged by is my values. I love to volunteer at Davis Street. I do this as much as I can and always try to be the best person I can be. Jesus tells us to always treat others the way we want to be treated, And even though sometimes that is hard I try as hard as I can to follow that rule. I always try to be as nice as I can to my friends, family, and strangers. I treat others respectfully and kindly. I have matured a lot over the years and now I realize that everyone, even if we don’t like them as much, still deserve respect. To treat others how you want to be treated is deeper than just saying hi and smiling. It's your thought process too. If you say hi to someone and in your head you are thinking about how much you hate them, then you aren’t being truly respectful. You need to think about what you're saying and soon you will find the good in people rather than looking for the bad. That is how you can become a more likeable person. I should be judged also on my ability to help others. I have always been helping my grandmother to serve the community and have been a part of the AYSAT which is a group dedicated to community service. -- James P., 7th Grade
Thank you to our 7th graders who shared their wonderful thoughts and prayers for justice in our world and the hope that Dr. King brought to our country.
CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE 2021 Church of the Assumption
The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord” (Luke 2:10-11)
Wednesday, DECEMBER 15th - Thursday, DECEMBER 23rd
SIMBANG GABI MASS (Novena Masses) at 6:30pm
Food and Fellowship at Rectory
Friday, DECEMBER 24th CHRISTMAS EVE Masses at 5:00 pm and 10:00 pm
Saturday, DECEMBER 25th CHRISTMAS DAY Masses at 8:00am, 10:00am and 12:00pm
There will be no Confession and no 4:30pm Sunday Vigil Mass
Sunday, DECEMBER 26th HOLY FAMILY Masses at 8:00am, 10:00am and 12:00pm
Saturday, JANUARY 1st MARY, MOTHER OF GOD Mass at 10:00am Anointing of the Sick at 11:00am
Sunday, JANUARY 2nd MARY, MOTHER OF GOD Masses at 8:00am, 10:00am and 12:00pm
In thanksgiving for the blessings you received from God, I would like to encourage you to consider a “Gift for Jesus” in the form of a special Love Offering. I believe that, with your immense generosity and kindness, God will help us in supplying for the needs of our Church and our efforts for the spiritual renewal of the Assumption community.
Introducing Our New Online Giving
We are pleased to announce our new and improved online giving page! Vanco, our eGiving provider, has updated their online giving platform to make it easier than ever to make one-time gifts or set up recurring donations to our church. Nothing about our online giving has changed except for the look of the page. You can adjust existing donations, set up new gifts and update personal information from the new Vanco Online. Here you can make your contribution by credit card. Its really easy. I just did it and If I can do it you certainly can. I, on behalf of the parish community, thank you in advance. To support us, please click on the button below.
Christmas Tree Blessing & Lighting First Sunday of Advent November 28th at 5:00pm
Join us as we bless and light our Christmas Tree. Let us sing Carols, share Hot Cocoa and meet Santa Claus in front of the church. Bring a special ornament to hang on the outdoor Christmas Tree.
Photos with Santa in the small hall starting at 4:00pm. Sign up for your photo slot.
Advent Retreat with Fr. Luke Joseph Leighton
Friday, December 10 at 7pm
Saturday, December 11 at 9am
Fr Luke Joseph Leighton of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal will lead an Advent Parish Mission for the Church of Assumption December 10th – 11th.
Friday night's program will be a Family Worship and Praise with Fr Luke and two other friars.
Saturday's program will have four sessions beginning at 9am. Lunch will be served in the small hall.
The talks will be given in the context of Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, with ample opportunity for Confession on Saturday afternoon. The fathers will also be with us for Mass at the Saturday Vigil.
It is a great privilege to have the friars with us – please plan on attending and inviting friends to come along as well!
Invite a friend! This is open to the entire community from local parishes and other denominations. All are welcome!
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Evening Novenas December 3-11
Feast Day Noon Mass & Celebration with Mariachi, Dancing & Food December 12
Simbang Gabi
December 15-23
A devotional nine day series of masses
December 15 at 6:30am
December 16-23 at 6:30pm
Food and Fellowship following every mass
We invite everyone to attend
The Disciple Maker Index Survey is Opened this Week! Please Read and Help!
It’s official! The Disciple Maker Index Survey opens this week and we need your help!
Available online and on paper.
Please help us participate by completing a 10-15 minute survey as soon as possible. Click here...
You can obtain a paper copy in the Parish Office or by contacting Kelly Hodgins at (510) 352-1537 ext 111. We are asking for 100% participation.
The survey will only be available from October 14th thru NOVEMber 22nd and will ask you to reflect on your own spiritual growth and enable you to provide feedback on our parish’s efforts to help you grow. All responses will be confidential and the parish will only receive information about the community as whole.
We are trying to get the highest response rate possible. This information will be invaluable to Father John and our various ministries as we plan for the future and strive to be the best disciples we can be. We will receive the results this spring/summer at which time we will share what we have learned with the entire parish.
Thank you for helping with this important project!
Fr. Chris Farewell Reception
October 10 at 1:00pm
Reception will be held after the 12:00pm Mass hosted by the Parish Pastoral Council in Jean Schroeder Plaza.
We invite you to join us as it is the best time to show our gratitude and to celebrate his selflessness and generosity.
Fr. Chris will be at all masses the weekend of 9th & 10th, so you will be able to let him know in person how much you have appreciated his time in our parish. We pray that we will make a point of attending this very special occasion and fellowship. We owe it to the man who has served our church faithfully for so long. Feel free to bring a card or gift as sentiment of your appreciation to Fr. Chris’ service. He will be thrilled to know how much he is appreciated.
Thank You Fr. Chris, You will be Missed!
Fr. Chris has graciously and selflessly served our parish community for 16 long years. He has done many things to help members of our parish and school to know God and be closer to Him. He has visited the sick, brought comfort to families in need, celebrated and administered the sacraments to us and our loved ones. We will truly miss him.
Fr. Chris will be going to a new assignment at St. John Vianney in Walnut Creek, effective October 1st. Fr. William, pastor at St. John Vianney, is happy to welcome him back to his former “home.” Apart from his parish duties, Fr. Chris will also be ministering at John Muir Hospital. There are many services he has done for our community. Some got noticed, while most of it went unnoticed and unappreciated. Colossians 3:17 says, “And in whatever we you do, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks for God the Father through him.” This has been the quiet work of Fr. Chris that we will recognize and remember.
join the Parish-wide Survey
Church of the Assumption will be participating in a parish survey about discipleship conducted by the Catholic Leadership Institute! We need your help! Please help us by participating in a 10-15 minute survey online. The survey can be accessed through an online link from 10/14 - 11/22 and will ask you to reflect on your own spiritual growth and enable you to provide feedback on our parish’s efforts to help you grow. All responses will be confidential, and the parish will only receive information about the community as whole. We will share the link with you a bit closer to the launch of the survey. We are trying to get the highest response rate possible. This information will be invaluable to Fr. John and our various teams and ministries as we plan for the future and strive to be the best disciples we can be.
Introducing Our New Online Giving
We are pleased to announce our new and improved online giving page! Vanco, our eGiving provider, has updated their online giving platform to make it easier than ever to make one-time gifts or set up recurring donations to our church. The new page is live on the parish website. Nothing about our online giving has changed except the look of the page. You can adjust existing donations, set up new gifts and update personal information from the new Vanco Online.
October is Rosary Month - 31 day Rosary Challenge
We invite you to pray the Most Holy Rosary for the entire month of October. We have added a special 6:30pm time to come together to pray as a family. Come join us at church at 6:30pm every evening, or immediately after the 8:15am morning mass, or in your own special quiet place.
We encourage everyone to join the challenge. Let's follow the Blessed Mother's wishes to pray the Rosary.
Mary's love for us and our love for her is all about God. The month of October that love is focused on the Holy Rosary. Through the Holy Rosary, we meditate on God’s Word. The Gospel becomes imbedded in our hearts, and Mary holds our hand to Jesus Christ. May we grow in our respect for the gift and Gospel of Life and during this month pray together the family rosary.
October 1st
Be a part of our First Friday Devotions, October 1st, at 6:00pm. Eucharistic Adoration, Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Divine Mercy Chaplet followed by Mass at 7:00pm.
Eucharistic Adoration is also following 8:15am Mass until 12:00pm on every Friday morning.
Check out our First Friday Devotions Booklet for the novena and pray with us: click here...
Feast of St. Francis of Assisi - Blessing of the Animals
Sunday, October 3rd
2:00-2:30pm Mary Seese Plaza
Monday, October 4th
3:30-4:30 School Campus near Schroeder Terrace
Bingo, Brats and Beer
Outdoors October 23 at 5:30pm Fun for all ages! $15. per person for dinner - kids under 5 years free
Dinner and Dessert Served Green salad, brats and sauerkraut, rolls and German potato salad. No-host bar featuring beer, wine and a signature cocktail. Bingo Games Galore plenty of chances for the whole family to win gift cards and prizes.
This is a fundraiser for the Faith Formation Programs. Come join the fun. Limited Outdoor Seating -- purchase your tickets now! Pre-order on line...
Registration for Faith Formation 2021/2022
(Kindergarten age and above)
Registration for Faith Formation programs is now open at Church of Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary for Fall 2021! This Fall, we will offer programs for Elementary, Middle School, High School and Adults. Registration deadline is September 16th.
Classes begin on September 19th.
Register online through the parish website. Any questions, please call the office at 510-352-1537 or email Mary Schirmer
Sacramental Preparation
Baptism — Please contact Fr. John
Reconciliation and Eucharist — Students preparing for First Eucharist need to have two years of preparation. Register...
Confirmation — Confirmation students must be at least 15 or a sophomore in high school. Register...
Matrimony — Please contact Fr.John.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) — Contact Jim Brady
Ministry center clean up
On Sunday, September 12th from 11am until 1pm we will be having a Ministry Center Clean Up.
Come join us & roll up your sleeves as we clean up our Center in preparation for Faith Formation Classes. We will provide supplies and best of all – refreshments and pizza! All you have to bring is some friends and a smile! We will have a blast and it is a really good chance to connect with our Assumption community!
Many Hands Make Light Work.
Weekday School Mass Starting September 1st
School Mass will be held in person every Wednesday at 8:15 AM. Family and friends are always welcome.
Join us every First Friday of the Month for Eucharistic Adoration
Starting next Friday, September 3rd, following 8:15am Mass until 12:00pm and at 6:00pm followed by the First Friday Mass at 7:00pm.
Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament takes place every Friday immediately following morning mass.. It is especially powerful to adore Jesus in the Eucharist. In the presence of the Eucharist, we pray to the power and sacrifice that it represents — the body of Jesus, who gave His life so that we may live. We can show our adoration to God in many ways, but in Eucharistic Adoration, we spend time adoring the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
Join us September 3rd at 6:00pm for Eucharistic Adoration followed by the First Friday Mass at 7:00pm.
Read more on 5 Things Catholics Should Know About First Friday: First Friday Adoration and Mass at Assumption...
School Festival September 18th & 19th
Let's come together and celebrate! Join Us at This Year's Festival! Dinner and a Movie Night! Together We Rise! Together We Soar!
Join Us for Dinner, Music & Games - No Reservation Required & Stay for the Movie!. Movie Reservations Required. more details...
Welcome Back to School!
As we begin the 2021-2022 school year, we reflect on the many challenges Assumption School has faced together over the past 18 months. We express our appreciation to staff, students, and families for their devotion to Catholic education and share their excitement for the new school year. A full opening of the school year started Tuesday August 24, with in person learning for all students. After a busy summer preparing, Lana Rocheford and her team, are excited in welcoming the students back. They are committed to having their teachers and students in a safe and supportive environment to enhance their academic, social, emotional, and spiritual development.
On behalf of the Assumption Community, we bless our teachers, school administrators, school support staff, friends, and classmates. Whether or not you have a child or grandchild in school, we invite all to join us in offering this wonderful prayer. It is from Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Prayer to Begin a School Year
God of wisdom and might, we praise you for the wonder of our being, for mind, body and spirit. Be with our children as they begin a new school year. Bless them and their teachers and staff. Give the strength and grace as their bodies grow; wisdom and knowledge to their minds as they search for understanding; and peace and zeal to their hearts. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
August 6 - 13, 7:00pm - 7:30pm Blessed Sacrament Adoration,
Novena & Rosary
Saturday, August 14: Eve of Solemnity of the Assumption
8:15 am Morning Mass
10:00am-12:00pm MARY CAMP for Kids (4 and Up) Register
3:00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
3:30pm Confession
3:50pm Rosary & Novena
4:30pm Vigil Mass & Offering of Flowers to BVM Statue
Sunday, August 15 Solemnity of the Assumption
8:00am Mass - Followed by Feast Day Donuts Mary Seese Plaza
10:00am Mass Followed by Feast Day Donuts Mary Seese Plaza
12:00pm Solemn Mass Livestreamed
1:00pm "Assumption Family Day" Outdoor Fun, Food & Faire
To Pre-order food
Pray the Rosary
We invite you to join us as we gather to pray the Rosary together.
Monday thru Saturday Church of The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary Parishioners pray the Rosary immediately after the 8:15am morning mass. If you have a special intention, you wish us to pray for, please contact Father John Carillo by email at [email protected] or call the office at (510) 352-1537.
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
Every first Saturday of the month after the 8:15am Mass beginning July 3rd, the priests will be administering the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. The Anointing of the Sick is not just a sacrament for those who are at the point of death. This sacrament is primarily intended for Catholics who are sick, those who are suffering from serious or chronic illness or facing life-threatening situations (like major surgery or a serious medical emergency), as well as those who may be struggling with the infirmities of age.
If you are homebound or scheduled to go to the hospital for surgery or extended care, please contact the Parish Office at 510-352-1537 to arrange with the priest for the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick.
Drive-thru communion comes to an end
This Sunday, July 3rd, will be the last day of Drive-Thru Communion. Big thanks to all the volunteers who gave their time every Sunday performing parking lot duty, greeting, and their assistance to Father John and Father Chris.
Eucharistic Adoration
Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament takes place every Wednesday from 8:45-9:45 immediately following morning mass. It is especially powerful to adore Jesus in the Eucharist. In the presence of the Eucharist, we pray to the power and sacrifice that it represents — the body of Jesus, who gave His life so that we may live.
“The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time you will spend on earth. Each moment that you spend with Jesus will deepen your union with Him and make your soul everlastingly more glorious and beautiful in Heaven and will help bring about everlasting peace on earth.” St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Save the Date
August 15th is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Details of the Assumption Community Celebration will be unveiled in the coming weeks.
FORMED Pick of the Week:
"The Bible and the Virgin Mary"
How much do you know about Mary's Assumption?
Celebrate Mary's Assumption into heaven with this beautiful and engaging episode.
August 7: Knights of Columbus
Reflection by John Leibee
August 8 : Divina Misericordia
Reflection by Rosa de Lima
August 9: Confirmation
Reflection by Confirmandi & Lizette Rocha
August 10: Legion of Mary
Reflection by Georgina Dwonch
August 11: Parish Staff
Reflection by Martha Zeyen
August 12: Pastoral Parish Council
Reflection by Gloria Calegari
August 13: Assumption School
Reflection by tbd
August 14: Filipino Ministry
Reflection by Fely Iman
Fr. John was born and raised in the province of Aklan, Philippines, the middle child of five (two older sisters and two younger brothers). He entered the seminary in Aklan at 12 years old studied there for eight years. In 2010, Fr. John came to the United States to complete his theological studies at St. Patrick’s Seminary. He was ordained to the priesthood on May 13, 2016 on the feast of Our Lady of Fatima. He spent three years as associate pastor at St. Joseph Basilica in Alameda and the last two years as Parochial Vicar at Holy Spirit in Fremont. Blessing for Father John Carillo, our new Parochial Administrator Gracious and loving God, we thank you for the gift of Fr. John. Through our priests, we experience your presence in the sacraments. Help him to be strong in his vocation. Set his soul on fire with love for your people. Grant him the wisdom, understanding, and strength he needs to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Inspire him with the vision of your Kingdom. Give him the words he needs to spread the Gospel. Allow him to experience joy in his ministry. Help him to become an instrument of your divine grace. We ask this through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns as our Eternal Priest. Amen. |
Dr. Andrew Currier appointed superintendent of schools for the Diocese of Oakland Bishop Michael C. Barber, SJ, has appointed a longtime Catholic educator as superintendent of diocesan schools. Dr. Andrew T. Currier, currently president of Archbishop Riordan High School in San Francisco, will begin work as superintendent on July 1. Currier holds a doctorate in philosophy from The Catholic University of America and a master’s degree in education from the University of Notre Dame. Currier has served for 19 years in Catholic education with over 13 years in Catholic school leadership, including in Florida, the Washington, D.C. area and Indiana, in addition to being president of Riordan since 2017. "I am impressed with Dr. Currier’s record at Riordan High School — which has grown and expanded under his leadership,” Bishop Barber said. “We are fortunate to have found a very capable new superintendent who shares my vision for improving the Catholic identity of our schools, and who is open to new models required for the survival of Catholic education in this 21st century.” During Currier’s tenure as Riordan’s president he supported enrollment expansion, athletics facilities upgrades, and focused on Catholic identity and programming. Currier has also served as principal at other Catholic schools which underwent transitions, and has served in the superintendent’s office for the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. He has fluency in Spanish and French, and is a member of the Order of Malta, which provides medical care to the needy in the Bay Area. He also volunteers at his parish, Notre Dame des Victoires in San Francisco, and for the Order of Malta in the Bay Area. “I am grateful to Bishop Barber for the gracious invitation to serve the Catholic schools in the Diocese of Oakland,” Currier said. “Bishop Barber's vision for missionary discipleship, transcendent Mass experiences for students, with teaching and learning imbued and animated by the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, is inspiring and absolutely necessary for successful Catholic schools. I really look forward to partnering with pastors and school leaders on finding new ways to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with our students and promoting the good work being accomplished in the Diocese of Oakland.” The Diocese of Oakland’s school system serves 48 Catholic schools in Alameda and Contra Costa counties. There are 39 elementary/middle schools, including six in the Lumen Christi Academies, and nine high schools. Every year more than 700 students receive need-based tuition grants through the FACE (Family Aid – Catholic Education) initiative. Photo by Bowerbird Photography |
The Most Reverend Michael C. Barber, S.J. issues a letter on the recent rise of gun violence. |
We are very pleased here at Assumption Parish to offer to our parishioners, at no cost, a subscription to! Having been called "Netflix For Catholics", is a repository of thousands of Catholic full length movies, videos, documentaries, talks, series, audio books, ebooks and more! |
Donations of Gift Cards from Target, Lucky, Safeway, Pack N Save, Grocery Outlet and Walmart for our food insecure, our homeless and our neighbors. Please send or drop off donations to: Church of the Assumption 1100 Fulton Ave Attn: Martha Zeyen - SVDP For more information contact: Nancy Pretto: [email protected] |
Non-perishable food donations requested. Cash donations also accepted. Please contact Nancy Pretto via email at [email protected]. DONATION DROP-OFFS: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Please bring donations to the history room at Assumption Church. There will be a box labeled St. Vincent de Paul for your donations. |
Fraternity and social friendship are the ways the Pontiff indicates to build a better, more just and peaceful world, with the contribution of all: people and institutions. With an emphatic confirmation of a ‘no’ to war and to globalized indifference. |